Chapter 4

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No one ever left me alone. Why would they? I was a new Weasley on the block, that was popular, funny and a great prankster. So imagine my surprise when I walk up to a girl, and she wants absolutely nothing to do with me. She's a Ravenclaw, in my year, always wears oversized shirts and hoodies and reads. Like all the time. I like that about her. She always has a book in her hands, whether it be school or leisure, she was always reading. She couldn't get over it. It was her thing. I saw her on the train, reading, silently, alone but not lonely. I saw her in the Sorting Ceremony, gracefully hiding her shaking, not so quietly pleading with the Sorting Hat to not put her in Hufflepuff. I saw her in our first Charms class. She was the first person to do the levitation charm. Professor Flitwick always clapped when she did a charm, and so did I. She deserved it. She always does. She always will.

"Hi! I'm Fred!" I exclaimed, introducing myself one day.

"Um... hi?" She answered, going back to her book.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, even though it was obvious.

"Reading." She answered simply.

"Can I read with you?" I asked. She looked at me for a quick moment.

"Um, no thanks, I'm waiting for a friend." I nodded and walked away.

"Hey Fred! I was wondering where you were!" George called down the hall.

"Oh yeah, I was just... in there." I said, pointing behind me into the Library.

"Why would you do that?" He asked. He looked behind me and saw the girl I was talking to. "You were... setting up an epic prank!" He exclaimed, not loud enough for anyone to hear.


"That girl! You introduced yourself, right?" I nodded. "Tomorrow, I'll go back and say I'm you and she won't know the difference! You're a genius!" He grinned.

"Sure. We'll do that tomorrow." I said, looking back at the girl in which someone, I assumed was her friend, was now sitting beside her and they were doing their homework. George and I went to the Gryffindor common room and did our own homework as well. We didn't really know how to, but we still did it.

"Hi!" I heard George say.

"Um.. hi?" She repeated.

"I met you yesterday, remember?" George said.

"No, I met your brother yesterday. I don't know who you are though." I stood up straighter.

"Fred? Fred Weasley?" The girl took a moment to respond.

"No, you're George. The boy I met yesterday was Fred." My jaw dropped. I knew this girl was special, but telling me and George apart?

"You're good!" George exclaimed.

"What?" I heard her say. I stepped out from behind the bookshelves, gaping.

"You can tell us apart!" I said. "Nobody can tell us apart! Not even our own mother!" She looked at us and shrugged.

"Okay, if you say so." She whispered, going back to her book. Her friend walked up.

"Hey, sorry I'm- who are you?" She asked us.

"I'm George!" I said, taking the prank further. George picked up on it.

"I'm Fred!" Her friend looked us up and down, sat down next to the girl and whispered to her.

"Freaky, don't you think?" She asked, still looking at us.

"Eh, I guess. Also, that one's George, and that's Fred." She corrected, pointing.

"Can you leave, we're going to study." Her friend instructed, waving at us with her hands. George and I jogged away, George snickering.

Except For You ~ {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now