Chapter 31

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I yawn, sitting up and stretching. My hand fumbles above me and finally turns on the fairy lights. Binx jumps onto my lap and I stroke the black cat lovingly.
I jump when Binx digs his claws into the blanket, and I look around to see an owl on my window sill. Picking Binx up and holding him to my chest with one arm, I throw the blankets off of me and slowly approach the bird. Binx must have decided that it's not going to attack him, because I feel his claws relax.
The bird hops forward and I take the letter from it's leg. It hops onto my outstretched hand and chirps happily. Confused as to why he is writing me, my brows are furrowed as I slip my finger under the wax seal and break it. I tug the letter from the envelope and scan it.
'To y/n,
I was hoping you would come to England for the last couple weeks of Summer and spend it with me. You could also come to the quidditch world cup with me.
My dad is okay with it already, you just need to ask your parents.
From, Cedric.'
My mind reels through the possible conversations resulting from asking my parents, and I decide that most of them are positive. So I rush down the stairs and drop into a seat at the kitchen table.
"Hey mum?" I say, dragging a plate of toast towards me.
"So, you know my friend Cedric?"
"Well, he asked if I could come over for the last couple weeks of Summer."
She looks at me as I spread Vegemite on my toast and squints. After a moment she shrugs and turns away from me again.
"Sure. Are his parents okay with it?"
"Yeah." Taking a bite of toast, I jump up and rush to my room.
The toast leaves crumbs on my bedside table when I set it down so I can fumble through my drawers to write Cedric back. After what should have been ten minutes but turned into twenty, I had a letter to send back.
'To Cedric,
My mum said yes! Am I getting picked up or dropped off? Also, will I be going to Hogwarts from your place or not? I honestly can't wait for the quidditch world cup!
From, y/n.
((p.s. also also, thankyouthankyouthankyou!))'
I examine it, then tuck it in an envelope and seal it, tying it into the owls leg. Once I make sure it is fed and hydrated, I let it fly off.
Binx circles my legs as I stare after the bird, my thoughts having wandered back to the wizarding world with it.

The next day the owl arrives at my window again and I quickly tug out the letter from Cedric.
'To y/n,
We can come pick you up. You have a fireplace right? Also, yes, you'll be going to Kings Cross with me at the end of Summer. Be sure to bring your swim suit, because there's a nice lake down near my place, which is nice to cool off in on hot days.
From, Cedric.'
I quickly write him a note back, which is so short I just roll it up and tie it the owl's leg. The bird let's me scratch its head before it flies off, and I catch myself staring after it again, my head flooded from memories of last year. Memories of Fred.
The fact that we were so close to kissing last year had been playing over and over in my head. The thought of being so close to him I could see my reflection in his eyes flushes my face, and I flop onto my bed.
Another memory stays in the back of my mind. One not so cute that it makes me blush.

I walk through the hallways, feeling downcast at the news of Buckbeak's execution having been earlier that night. I've wandered to a tower, and I turn to leave after walking around it. That's when my body freezes and my mouth goes dry.
Sitting in the back of the cell is Sirius Black. You know, the well-known, mass-murderer?
Anyway, as I stand there, I examine his face. It's sad. Defeated. Guilty. My muscles relax but I don't move, realising he's been examining me too.
"I won't hurt you," he whispers, glancing around.
"I don't know if I can believe you."
"Trust me, if I wanted to kill Harry I would have done it by now."
I look him up and down, slightly turning to face him more but not stepping closer. "You've caused quite a bit of stress here in the castle."
"Sorry." I look at him, pressing him to go on. "I was looking for someone who has caused me quite a bit of stress and pain too."
"Who?" I ask, taking one step closer in intrigue.
"Peter Pettigrew."
"The man everyone thinks you killed?" I ask.
"Yes, but I-" he cuts off and studies me. "What do you mean 'thinks'?"
"You didn't actually kill him. The spell you used wouldn't have blasted him to bits, anyone can see that." I smile. "It would have had the same effect on Pettigrew that it did the muggles. So anyone with an ounce of common sense should have realised that you didn't kill Peter Pettigrew." He looks at me, lost for words and his jaw hanging open.
"Well, I'm not a murderer."
"I can tell." I step forward again and cock my head to the side. "It's a real shame. You getting the kiss."
"Yeah, I think so too." He jokes, making me smile.
"Who knew a mass murderer had such a good sense of humour?" I respond with a smile.
"Same goes for a prefect Ravenclaw."
"We're actually the funniest people I'll have you know."
"Don't know if I can believe you." I laugh lightly.
"I hope you get a trial this time. Or something where you can use veratisserium."
"Yes. Hope seems to be the key word there."
"Have a little faith, won't ya?" I smile and glance at the dark sky, finding the low risen moon. "I must go know though. Farewell." I turn and step away, waving elegantly. As I descend the staircase, I hear the flapping of wings.

Cedric shows me how to use the floo network, so after he vanishes I step into the fireplace. I feel myself on autopilot mode, as if I've done this before, and my hand throws down some grey powder. Either the it's the green flames or the sickening swirl, but when I step into Cedric's living my mind has snapped from the thoughts running around my mind.
I look around the cosy living room, my lips lifting into a smile when I spot the pictures on the mantle. Most of them have a pretty lady in it, who I assume is Cedric's mother. Her hair flows over her shoulders and stops at her stomach, baby Cedric pulling at it playfully. Cedric whips me around, muttering under his breath and leads me to the guest bedroom.

Guys, halfway through writing this I realised that I had already given y/n an owl. So...
Esperos = y/n's pet
Binx = Nicole's pet ((but also really likes y/n because))
Crisis averted.
((also, SORRY!! I was not motivated at all to write this chapter so it took me literally forever T-T. I promise I didn't forget again <3))

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