Chapter 10

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It felt wrong to go to breakfast and not see Del. It felt wrong to not tell her that the ‘good guy’ in my book really sucked, and why. It felt wrong to not tell her that all the girls in my dorm aren’t actually that bad. So I did something she had been begging me to do for years.

“Professor, could I ask you something?” I ask at the end of a Potions lesson before lunch.
“What is it Miss Mathias?” Snape asks me slowly.
“Er… well, why do you hate me?” He looks shocked.
“Hate you? I don’t hate you. What gave you that idea?”
“My grades sir.” I answer.
“Your grades?” He repeats.
“Yes sir. I- well… why don’t I ever get full marks?”
“I don’t give you full marks because I don’t think you push yourself enough.”
“Push myself enough?” I repeat. Snape moves to the otherside of his desk. “What- what do you mean? I do twice as much as needed, I do the extra-credit, I-”
“That is exactly the point Miss Mathias.” He cuts, making me even more confused. “You do more than needed on the useless, pointless assignments that will not matter even a month from now and you do not focus on the things that will go on your report and, eventually, your resume.” Professor Snape explains.
“So, they don’t matter?”
“Not a bit.”
“So I only need to pass my exams?”
“Precisely. I suggest you focus on your Charms and Transfiguration work.”
“Because they are the most likely things to get you that internship.”
“You- you know about the internship Del and I want?”
“You’re not exactly subtle about it.” He replies, a smile twitching on his lips. I grin.
“Thanks Professor!” I run to the door. “Have a good weekend Professor!” I wave and dash off to the Hospital Wing.

“Ah, Miss Mathias.” Madame Pomfrey greeted.
“Could I see Del?”
“Nothing’s changed.”
“You spot many new things each day. I noticed a freckle she’s had for years only last week. Can I please see her? Thanks.” Before she can answer, I squeeze past her and rush to Del’s bed. “So, I did what you told me and talked to Snape, and yadda yadda yadda, but he told me that to get that internship we should focus on Charms and Transfiguration. Isn’t that great?” I swear I saw a smile appear on her face for a split second. I smile as well. “That’s all. Bye.” I get up and walk back over to the door, looking at the other patients. I notice something in Granger’s hand. I stop and bend down, noticing a piece of paper tightly grasped in her hand. I wriggle it out and stuff it in my pocket. “Bye Madame Pomfrey!” I call to the other end of the Hospital Wing and I rush to the Library. I walk all around it, but I can’t find Weasley and Potter. Eventually I forget why I’m walking around in it and I decide to head to the Great Hall. It’s still weird to not see Del sitting at the Slytherin table, reading a book while eating her favourite sandwiches. I try not to look over there. Thankfully the girls from my dorm block the view so it’s pretty easy.

“So, what are you up to?” Alice asks, sitting down in front of me. I just stare at her, because it’s pretty obvious that I was eating.
“Alice, you really need to be more observant.”
“What, am I supposed to be taking Divination or something? I’m not a seer!”
“Obviously.” I remark. They all laugh.
“I never knew you were this funny!” Lilly exclaims.
“Am.” I correct simply, taking another sip of some pumpkin juice.
“You said ‘were’. That’s past tense. ‘Am’ is present tense. Because I am funny right now.” They all look at me and giggle. I roll my eyes and take another bite of my sandwich.
“What book are you reading?” Grace asks.
“I’m not reading at the moment.” I say, trying to hide a smirk.
“That’s not what I meant!” Grace exclaims, laughing. I laugh too.
“Evidently. ‘You’ve Reached Sam’.”
“That’s the book I’m reading. ‘You’ve Reached Sam’.”
“Oh, right.” She says sheepishly. I shrug.

I flop down on an armchair in the common room and sigh. Something in my pocket crinkles. I take it out. It’s the paper I got from Hermione. Professor Flitwick comes in and addresses everyone who had been suddenly rushed here.
“I’m very sorry to announce that a student has been taken by the monster. This is, unfortunately, the end of Hogwarts.” There were gasps of horror, and I feel my heart shatters. Professor Fliwtck continues. “The train will arrive tomorrow to pick everyone up. Please pack your things.” He turns to leave.
“Which student?” I call out. Everyone looks at me. To many, it’s the first time they’ve ever heard me speak, let alone notice me.
“Ginny Weasley.” He says solemnly. My whole body freezes. That’s Mr Trouble’s little sister. After half an hour I couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone had already left to their dorms to finish packing, because everyone knew by now to have everything packed except the absolute necessities. I slip out of the common room and run in the direction of the Gryffindor Tower. We all crossed paths on our way to our towers, so I just ran in the direction that I saw them head when we cut off.
“Should you be out at a time like this?” A painting asks. I get an idea.
“Do you know where the Gryffindor common room is?” I ask in return.
“Yes! Follow me!” I shrug. That was easier than I thought it was going to be. I think to myself, running along the paintings. “And there you are! Just tell the Fat Lady the password and you can enter!” He says, starting to walk back to his painting.
“Wait!” I call after him. He sticks his head back and looks at me. “I don’t know the password.”
“I do!” Exclaims another painting. “But I can’t tell you, I’ll break the rules.”
“Hogwarts is about to shut down, does it really matter?”
“Oh alright." He huffs. " ‘Red eggnog’.” I walk up to the portrait.
“Password?” She asks.
“Red eggnog.” I answer. The portrait swings forward and reveals a tunnel that leads into the Gryffindor common room. Now or never. I’ve come this far. Just ten more steps. Do it for Del. I climb through the tunnel.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just really want to get cos over with so I can get to poa, because that's when a bunch of fun stuff happens. See you in the next chapter, thanks for reading this far!

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