Chapter 9

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Hey! It's been a lot more than three days, huh? 😅 Well, I'm sorry I went on a sudden break, it was not at all planned!... thanks, by the way, if your reading this. Let's get into the chapter!

That girl, yn, was on my mind twenty-four seven after those five minutes in the Kitchen. She was so beautiful, even if everyone failed to notice her. I always noticed her. She had shoulder length brown hair that had slivers of honey blonde. She was short, like, a third of my height short. She always wore the same two jumpers that were oversized so that they hid most of her skirt. She had glasses that fit her so perfectly they went with any outfit she had. And she was so talented. So freaking talented. She was the best at any Charm. And she was so nice, just not to me. Well, she had every right to be mean to me. When I say nice, I mean she and her best friend called themselves mudbloods. It pissed off Malfoy because that was his go to insult, and the reason my brother got himself sick. Long story short, she didn't let insults get to her. At least, she didn't show it.

Again, I'm in the Kitchen, and again, yn enters. The house-elves get straight to work making her friend's tea and she turns to her stash of food. "Oi!" I look up and smile. "What have I said to you about eating my food?"

"Not to eat it." I answer simply. To my surprise she doesn't immediately cut me off.

"Then why have I found you eating it again?" She asks.

"Well, I haven't tried this flavour yet." I answer, not that it fully explains what was going on.

"What do you mean?" She asks warily, stepping towards me.

"Well, every week, you have a new flavour of these." I explain, shaking the biscuit packet.

"So you've been eating my food for weeks?"

"Yep. Honestly, I would've thought you noticed by now."

"I blamed it on my sister. Gotta write an apology letter now, thanks." I shrug.

"Put it back." She says, turning away. She turns back. "And stop eating my food. That's for me and Del." I hold up my hands in a surrendering way.

"Yes Ma'am." She rolls her eyes. I snicker and stand up, starting to walk over. A thought stabs in my mind. "So, you got my note."

"Explain further and I might humour you some more." She says, hiding a smirk.

"First year, under the painting out there." She looks confused, even though I know she knows what I'm talking about. "It said, 'tickle the pear'." She makes a noise, a scoff combined with a laugh.

"That was you?" She asks. I shrug. "What if someone else found it?"

"They wouldn't. I put it in just before you passed." She raises her eyebrows. "Also, you're too curious to not look at it." She digs in the inside pocket of her jacket and pulls out a small piece of paper.

"I guess you were right." She responds, opening it and showing my writing.

"You kept it?" I ask, astonished.

"I thought I could pass it on." She shrugs, grabbing the tea and heading out the exit.

"Have I made it up to you yet?" I call.

"Not even close, Mr Trouble." She answers.

I chuckle. "Seeya soon, Miss Salty." She holds her hand up and wiggles her fingers in a sort of elegant wave and climbs out of the tunnel.

I throw a piece of parchment and it hits her shoulder. She doesn't look at it. Another one hits her. She ignores it again. Then another accidently hits her head. She slightly slams her quill down. She turns around and I smile, pointing at the first piece of parchment. It's History of Magic, so Professor Binns won't care. She bends down and picks it up. She reads it quickly.

Except For You ~ {Fred Weasley}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن