2. RedCrest Univ.🖤

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Jeongyeon 's POV

When I arrived at Halmeoni's House, I was mesmerized how big it is, I know that were rich but it feels surreal when your already there. Maybe I really need to remember everything, about my life. Yah I have to do that and this is the Start. Giggling about my thoughts I was surprised by someone who gives me a very tight embrace.

''Ahh!, my princess is finally here, I'm glad that you came back." She said as I look at here eyes tearing up.

"Yah!, halmeoni don't cry please, I really missed you know, that's why I'm here, your One and Only princess". Smiling while l embrace her one more time.

After that crying session with halmeoni, We ate our dinner telling stories about my life living in the Philippines, ALONE. Somehow I felt that She was also sad and angry about my father doing that to me. I dismissed that topic so fast coz what's important right now is How can meet my father after this.

"Halmeoni,does appa knows that I am here?
You know here in Seoul." I asked here while arranging my things inside my closet.

Hmmm, what do you think princess?

"Maybe No?or Yes?aissst... What if..He...
My sentence wast cut off when Halmeoni's speak.

"Stop worrying princess, We talked already and he agreed that you will stay here for good.''

My mouth agaped of what she said,
"Daebak, really halmeoni? Oh! my god."
At last my father agreed about staying here, but Why? Earlier he was mad at me, yelling that I just have to follow his order. Then all of the sudden he agreed?. Aissh.. Nevermind maybe Halmeoni threatened him. Smiling, a sign of relief all over my face as I hugged the Best Halmeoni all around the world. My inner voice stop when she said."In one condition princess."

"What do you mean Halmeoni?what Condition does father wants?"
I'm scared?No I'm curious about my appa wants in order for me to stay here.

"She wants you to transfer at RedCrest University". As halmeoni said that my mind went haywire, RedCrest University, while she gives me other information about that school, I was having mixed emotions, and I don't know why, there's something in the name of that school.

"Princess, did you hear what I'm saying? You will be studying at RedCrest Univ. Taking up Business course, "

"But why halmeoni?Why in RedCrest? "
I asked her.

"Just follow your father's order princess besides you want to live here right?
You know I'm so lonely in this gigantic house." I faced my halmeoni as a hug her,

"Okay halmeoni, I will transfer at RedCrest Univ. besides in two years time I will graduate already . And please don't be sad, I will not leave you again. I promise."
I said to her while pouting.

"Arraso, I'm not sad, Look she smiled while saying that. Enough for this princess you need to rest for now, so that you will enough energy for our date tomorrow."

"Omo!, I'm so excited about that halmeoni, you know shopping, shoes, bags, dresses.
I have to prepare my outfit for school." Giggling after I said that.

"Ofcourse princess, I will help you with your outfits, so just rest and relax and Lets enjoy tomorrow okay?"

"Okay halmeoni, Goodnight.!" I hugged and kissed her before I close my bedroom door.
I sighed, while laying on my huge bed.
It feels unreal, It was so good to be true.
But then I'm Happy because I can make my plan, which is to retrive my memories.

"But HOW?Maybe i can ask halmeoni about it?hmmm. NO, she will be doubtful about my reasons for coming here. Aisssh.!!
I don't know anyone who can help me..."
As my tears keep on falling from my eyes. Wondering if there's someone who can tell me about my life before the accident, maybe I have friends?While thinking about my plan I dozed off because of stress and tiredness.

Where I am?
I can see myself in the park, with someone, girls, 8 girls to be exact,  laughing and playing.
Then someone shouted my name.

Yah! Jeongie here's your vanilla icecream
The girl with a short black hair said.
Oh! Thanks jih...

No one's POV

Taking out a piece of picture from the envelope, that my right hand gave to me a few moments ago, With a shaking hands I look at it while crepping a small smile.
There she was a girl mysteriously walking,
Smiling while taking her language.

"Your back my princess.!" I mumbled while playing the liquor in my hands but  annoyed by blaring  ringing of my phone.
As i slide the accept button, a booming voice can be heard from the other line.

"Hyung!!!! Where are you? Jk said.
So loud, do you want me to be deaf?"
I said to him while looking at those pictures.
"Mianhe Hyung, I'm just excited to tell you something important."

"And what is that?" I reply to him. As I grinned while looking at the smiling girl in the picture.

"You know that you are my favorite hyung right? And I want you to be happy."

"And so?Just tell me Jk, I'm busy.."
I angrily reply.

"Aishhh, okay hyung, i just want you to know that SHE'S BACK,i mean Noona is back here in Korea". He cheerfully replied.

"I know. !As i said those,I just Heard some inadequate words coming from the other line. Yah!see i told you he already know, she's just so important to him to be the first one to know....

"So what's your plan hyung? You know appa told me that she will be staying here for good."Jk said in the other line.

"To claim what's mine from the start..!"
I firmly said to Jk while ending the call.
This time I will make sure that you will be mine, No one can take you away from me again. I will not allowed it, My Princess ♣️

Author's Note✍️🎶🎶

Again this is purely fictional,
This is my first time writing here in wattpad so don't bash me, I'm trying my best.

Time check ✔️ 12:30am

Annyeong 🖤

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