13. The Truth🖤

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Jeongyeon 's POV,

We spend the rest of the night talking and laughing while watching some movies from Netflix. As Jihyo give us a set of Pajamas to used .I checked my phone this time and startled when there's a message coming from Jimin.

From Park Jimin

I fetch you tom,.so wait for me.😉

I didn't bother to reply as I trying to make a plan how to ditch him instead., Coz I don't want to face him right now. Yes I admit I starting to like him like I said to the girls but I'm still fazed about the relationship between him and that bitch. Meanwhile We decided to put some mattresses in the floor and lots of pillows as we decided to sleep together like old times.

" so unnie, hows your date with Jimin oppa earlier? Tzuyu asked her.
" Hmmm.. its not a date and we don't talk that much actually. She replied . "And why is that? You been with him for more than an hour, nayeon question her.. "don't tell me, you proceed to you know,. Nayeon teased her while grinning widely. ." What do you mean unnie? ??
" ehhh., You know the do thing??she added that makes the girls embarrassed as they understand what Nayeon means.. As jeongyeon immediately respond with a flushed faced.." Omo unnie, we don't do that-- that thing, heck were not even a lovers in the first place. .

" aww, okay, I'm just asking you know.haha..Nayeon said while grinning..
"So Jeongyeongie, tell us what really happened eh? Momo questioned her.

" hmmm, he asked me if I remember something about him, I said yes, .then suddenly someone called. And it was.--- Seulgi..

" ehhhh?? Seulgi? Jihyo tell us what is the real score between her and your brother??Nayeon curiously asked jihyo as the latter makes a blank faced.

"Hmmm..oppa said she's just a friend, you know they're been together everytime there's a clan gathering. But I'm sure that oppa consider her as friend only. Jihyo replied while looking directly at jeongyeon.

"Ehhh.what?? .she defensively replied.
" ,and i want you to know that I like you for my brother. Only You,period. Jihyo uttered while grinning..

" Hmmmm..actually I want to asked you about him..
"Eh? Go on unnie, . What do you want to know? Jihyo replied.
" hmm, before the accident me and your brother, what is our relationship??she shyly stated.

" oww, hmmm. How can i say this.. hmm. You and my brother was very close unnie that we actually believed that your dating already but both of you keep on denying..
Then few weeks before the accident, all of a sudden your avoiding nor talking at each other. Jihyo seriously answered.

" That time were worried at the both of you but your not telling us, so we just let it be. Then the accident happened.Mina added.

"Hmmm. Thank you for telling me and for understanding, I'm so glad i've meet all of you..hmm. jeongyeon delightly uttered.

"Oww, our Jeongyeon unnie were also glad you came back to us. Dahyun commented while all the girls is smiling widely at her.

"One more thing girls and please tell me the truth, she asked and the girls confusedly nodded.. do i have a sibling?brother?

"Omo!!! Nayeon squeal as the rest is looking dumfounded..

" Hmmm. Unnie, please understand that we are not in a right place to answer that question of yours. You should ask halmeoni. Tzuyu calmly said.

" yah Right, i definitely asked halmeoni..hmmm.

Even though jeongyeon feels that the girls is hiding something regarding from her lost memories, she didn't push through the topic. .

Time skip

It was fine sunny Saturday morning. And the rest of the girls was still sleeping, tired from there sleepover activities last night. But jeongyeon is already up, as she silently trying to sneak out before the girls
, why? Coz she's avoiding a certain someone, goes with the name of PARK JIMIN. as she knows that he also lived in this building.. She was already at the door of the Entertainment room when someone spoke behind.
" were are going unnie? It was Chaeyoung whose obviously sleepy but keep her right eyes open as she stand and faced jeongyeon.
"Outside,hmmmm.she whispered as she drag the disoriented Chaeyoung outside.. shhhh. Chae actually I have to go now so please tell the others okay??
" hmmm.. okay unnie but its so early, it was 6:30 in the morning. And how can you go home eh? You don't have your car right now.. Chaeyoung explained.
"Shit your Right ,hmmm. I just take a cab, don't worry kay? She replied to her and starting to walk but Chaeyoung grabs her hand so she faced her again, surprised by her afraid looks.
" what is it chae? Tell me hmmm?

"Hmm, I'm sorry, really..chae uttered.
" for what ? She curiously asked her.
" last night when we asked you who did that bruised in your wrist, and and your not talking,so i said to just check the cctv at the university as i dialled Namjoon number to ask for help.hmmm.
She explained..
" and? There's nothing wrong with that i think.?.she answered.
" and lastly you told us what happened but somehow namjoon answered my call without me knowing. So so.hmmm. chae nervously response.
" Please tell me that only Namjoon oppa heard our conversation last night. Please tell me chae. As Jeongyeon eyeing a tensed Chaeyoung.." I'm sorry unnie but his with jimin oppa and JK that time..
" oww. She only said as she closed her eyes to calm herself, as her heart keeps on beating widely knowing that Jimin heard everything.."shit..

After jeongyeon assured Chaeyoung its not her fault, she decided to stick on her plan, to avoid Jimin at all cost.
So right now she's already outside of Jihyo's unit looking left and right to check the area as she remembers jimin message last night that he will fetch me at her sister's place..
She sighed as walks into the elevator. Trying to ease up the tension she feels right now, thinking how to face Jimin again.. omo,i have to make a plan, HOW TO AVOID PARK JIMIN". aishhtt.
So what if she heard what I've said. Its the truth you know, first Seulgi is a bitch who bullies me, second that I like him..no ,no,no... aishhtt. She's blurted out loud without knowing and suddenly someone silently stand besides her.
" I like you too, so please don't try to stay away from me.!. She stunned while looking at the guy besides her.

"Ji- JIMIN????. she whispered and instead of averting her eyes she was staring at him intensely. As Jimin did the same.

Author's Note 🎶✍️

How's your day? I hope it was good..Share your thoughts about this story.😉

Time check✔️ 2:06pm

Annyeong 🖤

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