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                I don't have any religious beliefs. I have my own belief of what lives and dies, of how the world began and how it will end. I believe in magic. Something that had been forgotten by our human universe. At least if my memories serve me right that is exactly what happened. However, who would know? After all, I was sent back here on earth so long ago after that little incident. Now I have no connection to my old home other than this spirit I talk to and the magic within nature. How do I go back? Or is there something else I need to do for the earth before going back? It didn't matter. All that did was that I needed to remember who I truly was before I did anything that could either destroy the World, or save it.        

A/N: Hi all, this is the edited version of the prologue, underneath would be the original version, though it won't be there anymore after December 31st

               When the World created the Universe of Humans, the deities blessed them with powers. Portals were created and human worked along with magical creatures and lived fairly. Magic was everywhere: in the flowing streams and the breathing wind. However, what they valued the most was the balance. There was a balance between life and death, the changes of seasons, and day and night. They valued that balance more than anything because they knew that if that balance was broken, then the world would stop them from accessing magic.

              Yet in the end, greed overpowered the humans. They wanted immortality; they wanted money; they wanted everything that went against the rules of nature. Humans destroyed that balance that kept magic alive on Earth. Those wonderful days, filled with the laughter of fairies and the dancing of elves, quickly dissolved into the fairy tales we now know. Today, barely any human believes in those stories written by the people before us, and as one of the chosen deities-in-training, it will be up to me to bring back those magical beings once more so we could destroy our long-time enemy the Sinners. After our failure last time to lock the up completely, Mages found ways to brink dark magic into this land of Humans. Without pure magic, those humans might end up as one of the most powerful allies of the Sinners. However to bring back that pure magic and connections to humans, I and the other deities-in-training need to make sure the humans understand something that even we doesn't fully understand yet. The consequences might be inconsiderable, but we will try and not fail for the third time.

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