Part Two, Chapter Eight

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I walked next to Kai as we left the old man's house. Kai tried his best to calm me when I cried. It was hard to hold back my tears. I was scared. Scared that this was a dream. Scared that I will wake up someday and discover I am nothing more than a simple outcast at school just like everyday.

Kai had told me to get some "fresh" air outside after calming me down. I didn't want to at first, but he seemed really excited to show me around. As a result, I agreed to have a little walk with him. The "fresh" air -which was stuffy and foggy- did not help me clear my mind. Was that old man serious when he said I was a deity? He did say I lost my memory like last time. However, that only added on to my piles of questions. What did he mean by "last time"? I rubbed away some sweat that was falling from my forehead. Kai had insisted that I wear this cloak since they don't have any visitors here. I personally didn't think it made sense. Won't it just be more suspicious towards the others if a person just randomly appears hidden underneath a cloak?

"Tell me more about what happened," I started. It was awkward just walking like this stupidly.

"You changed," he said immediately. "You look so different, your features and your clothing are so different now."

I snorted. Kai told me that I was a deity. I did not accept that at all. I AM NOT A DEITY. Period. I really don't want to think about that right now. I'm afraid that this is all a hallucination. I shook my head. I really hope this is not a dream, but if it is, then I'm going to enjoy my time here as much as possible. I looked down at myself. My clothing had changed since my previous gown like armor had changed into an elegant dress that had the same flower design as before. I preferred the armor though, it wasn't the most comfortable thing to wear but at least the dress part of it only reached my ankle. The long green dress I'm wearing now reached down to my feet and extended in the end. I've never worn anything so long before, so I was either stumbling because of the heels that came with my new cloth or the edge of my dress. That was not the only problem. This dress I was wearing was a halter-neck dress. I felt uncomfortable showing my bare arm and shoulder. I wasn't used to it. I sighed perhaps the cloak wasn't that bad of an idea.

These are the only changes that Kai said and I believed were true since I could see them. Kai did say my features had changed a bit to a more soft and easy-going face. I didn't believe that. Mostly it was because I wasn't able to see myself. I wish I didn't change much though if my face did change. I looked at my hair. It had grown and had now reached my hips. It was no longer changing colors either, instead it is now brown. The same kind of brown as the trunk of the trees. The gold and emerald crown that appeared on my head was also something that had surprised me.

"Why did I change though?" I murmured.

"The potion my dad gave you to heal you was made by your past life as far as I know. It probably awakened that magic within you. You represent life. There are five supreme elements and nine main elements including the supreme. The five supreme elements are Fire, Water, Air, Life, and Death. The elements Life and Death are counterparts and can't survive without each other. Though in the human world, humans call it Nature, or Earth. However, when they talk about it they're only thinking about the Life part of it. Death is usually ignored but when humans do think about it they call it Evil."

Kai rolled his eyes when he finished the sentences and scoffed, "Humans are ridiculous creatures that only think of themselves. They can't or in another word won't, even properly use the elements for the good of the world."

He will regret his words later after we leave the public area. I'm a freaking human! He had just deeply insulted me by calling us ridiculous. However, as offended as I was, I still don't understand what Kai meant by that.

Before I was able to ask he continued the lesson about elements. "The nine elements other than the five supreme elements are Space, Time, Light, and Memories. Out of the four elements, Time is the rarest. To use this element you need to be able to at least understand the complete history of the world. Or else, mistakes will happen."

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