Part One, Chapter Three

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"Are you sure about this?" Solemina whispered to Alizeh as we hid behind a fluffy bush next to our school's camping area.

"Would you rather get caught by a teacher or die in the wild because you don't have any emergency supplies?" Alizeh snapped.

"But you have your supplies! It should be alright," Solemina said.

"Don't ask for my food if you starve," Alizeh said calmly.

"I think Solemina and I should go instead," I whispered. "Naia's crazy. She'll only get us caught so she won't be of any help, and you don't have any experience." I didn't want Solemina to get into a fight with Alizeh; it wouldn't end well.

Naia glared at me. "I'm crazy? Sure, and I guess you have the most normal thoughts between us."

I ignored her while Solemina grabbed Naia's half empty backpack. "Deal with it Naia. Your mind is a mess," Solemina teased.

Before Naia could do anything else, Solemina and I slipped easily to the back of our own tents. The gentle snoring inside proved that everyone including the chaperones was still asleep. The soft glow from the moon gave Solemina and I enough light to see as we tiptoed towards the front of our tents.

Suddenly, something snapped. I looked around and found myself face-to-face with Naia. "I told you to stay hidden," I hissed.

Naia simply shook her head and followed me into my tent. I groaned inwardly. Could she use her brain and stop being so stubborn for once? Complaining to myself, I picked up my backpack and packed some leftover snacks. A sudden glint of light from the opening of my sleeping bag caught my eyes. It was my jade necklace that my grandparents told me to always wear for protection. I took it off before I went into the forest because it was tangling with my locket which I was also wearing. I've never given the jade necklace a thought before; I'd always thought that it was some sort of belief that my family had. After all, my grandma also had a necklace similar to mine. However, now that I'd thought about it, perhaps my family knew something about me that they didn't want me to find out?

"Come on, stop staring like an idiot and let's go," Naia said.

I nodded as I grabbed my backpack and necklace.

"What took you so long?" Solemina complained as she walked out of Naia's tent with Naia's and her now cumbersome backpack.

"Something caught my eye," I said, "I'll tell you later, now let's go."

Still thinking about that necklace given to me, the three of us walked silently towards a bush where Alizeh was hiding. "Quick, we need to run! I just saw a teacher pass by," she hissed.

Gathering my thoughts, we ran towards the forest. Unfortunately, our path was blocked by a curious owl that was staring at us. The hot headed Solemina was about to go around it, when Alizeh grabbed her arm. "Don't, you might startle it," she said.

"Who's there?" someone said from behind us.

We froze. That voice sounded like our history teacher, Mr.Cathartes. "Get down," Alizeh growled and pulled us behind some bushes. The little owl's eyes grew even wider as it flew away hooting. The teacher squinted towards our direction. Thankfully, his eyesight failed him and walked away muttering to himself.

"Phew," Solemina gasped, "That was a close one."

"Thanks Alizeh," I said.

"No problem. Now let's go, we don't have much time. The sun is starting to rise," Alizeh replied.

I looked up. It was true; dawn was coming. Strokes of sunlight were now tinting the black starry night with its warm glow.

"Problem two: early birds," Naia warned.

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