Chapter 20

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             Frank POV

     Finally! I have Yunnie in my arms, in my breathing space after taking her away from Peter. I'm gonna make sure I treat her as comfortably as possible until my plan is completed.

The land is getting harder to find supplies as growing food is limited to most of us. At least Sarah made ideas on how to grow indoors.

The fact that she was able to take control over the city within weeks after the war started is crazy! After the government left everything and everyone to survive on our own, only a few of us managed.

Just thinking about it now is overwhelming. But the fact that she trusted me is stupid on her part. But  getting to have Yunnie back into my life is a surprise for me. This time I'm gonna be there for her and make a future for the two of us.

Anyways, I'm in the truck losing my mind on how fast Yunnie and Kano are becoming friends. She is now sitting in the front seat as they're talking about anything that's related to his culture.

"Yunnie! My little criminal haha! I can't believe you also had to eat pork to survive. Trust me when I say our God has already forgiven us due to the world." Kano said while he drove us.

"I can't believe you immediately start eating pork soon the shit hitting the fan. Just say that you were curious about it and wanted to try some ribs." She said as they laughed together.

I remember that her family didn't eat pork. But with her, she didn't care for the religion or any other beliefs. I remember my ex-girlfriend telling me about Yunnie eating ribs at the school bbq. Saying that she didn't believe in God. But that didn't stop her from being respectful to others. I'll never understand why her parents were so cruel to her.

Thinking about it again, I feel so stupid for not getting close to her in the past. If I was more friendly and maybe helped her with her problems with her family, we would've been more than strangers.

But at the same time, I didn't want to fall into the same path as my father. Remembering what he told me about how he trapped my mother into their marriage and killing off people that didn't liked him.

My mother was always a happy woman and loved me with all her heart. I never really saw her cry other than her watching a sad movie or seeing something cute. She never showed me that side of her. Always smiling and laughing with others.

And yet she took her own life while I was in school. No note or anything left behind. Even to this day, I don't remember how she looked that morning. All I can remember is me throwing away the breakfast sandwich she made me. I never liked red onions with my eggs.

Maybe that's why I love Yunnie so much. It wasn't in her eyes nor the situation she was in with her family, but the kindness she has for others.

I shook my head back to reality as I felt emotional feelings trying to come back to the surface.

I hate that I never asked my father about my mother after she passed away. He knew about me killing those people and yet he never once asked me about it. He already knew the whole time.

"That reminds me! Yunnie you have to get a physical check once we're at the doctor's office. The doctor is a woman so don't worry 'bout getting harassed this time." Kano said with a cheerful heavy laugh.

Yunnie looked at him with a smile as she looked at him with a worry look.
Thankfully she's isn't a stupid person when it comes down to being around creeps.

I remember a woman try to drug me while I was still in the military. She was crazy and wanted to play games with me just to see how far she can make me her pet. Just thinking about her makes my back itch. Thankfully I can be in the same room with Yunnie when she's getting a checkup.

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