Ch. 1) Cursed

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"Y/N!!! Let me in!!" My best friend huffed banging on the door of my apartment as I slowly shuffled my way over. She immediately jumped on me hugging me tightly as I swung the door open.

"I was so worried about you! Are you okay?" She cupped my face in her hands cooing as she looked at me with sympathy. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry Reign I'm fine! Besides I dumped him!" I shrugged it off closing my door once she finally got off of me.

"Well yeah I know but he was a dick." She says flopping on my couch.

"I'm really glad you did it for you!" She smiled up at me fiddling with the cuffs of her jacket.

"We should go out tonight!" She said perking up a bit! "I called off of work, they got another nurse to cover my shift." She smiled again standing up as she followed me into my room.

"Alright, what were you feeling?" I asked rummaging through my closet a bit to look for something to wear. It had been a week! I caught my now ex boyfriend hooking up with some rando when my shift had ended early. I didn't have the energy to fight.

"Uh... I was thinking the club..." She said shyly immediately earning an exhausted stare from me. I didn't have the energy to fight... not dance... and lately i didn't want to do anything accept rot in my bed.

"Come on, the best way to get over a man is to get under a new one!!" She nudged her elbow into my side making me giggle a bit. She was always like this.

"Fine you win! I'm so over him though! I'm just doing this to have fun with you." I smiled earning another excited tight hug from her before she pushed me out of the way and began rumaging through my clothes.

I giggled watching her pick out an outfit for me for tonight.


"What can I get for you today?" The bartender asked drying off a previously cleaned cup. Reign was already lost in the crowd on the dance floor, so I decided to play it safe at the bar.

"Uh, something not too strong." I smiled shyly feeling stupid at my answer. But I usually didn't go out clubbing, nor to bars. I rarely drank. He smiled quickly getting a drink ready. Reign had picked out a cute short black pleated skirt and a latex crop top that fit me nicely. The outfit highlighted my curves.

The bartender quickly served my drink waiting to see if I liked it. Honestly it was good. Not too strong and it had just the right amount of sweet and sour tang. I smiled complimenting his work before he went to serve another customer.

I felt the weight shift on the bar as tall man with white hair leaned up against it. He was beautiful. He wore sunglasses, a button down and pants that were way to tight for his own good. He still was hot as hell.

I felt my heart beat speed up as he looked in my direction, checking out the amber liquid in my clear cup.

"What is that?" He asked tipping his sunglasses down a bit on his nose. His eyes beamed the brightest crystal clear blue I had ever seen.

"Honestly I'm not sure. I told him I didn't want something too strong." I nervously sprouted wiggling my drink in my hand. I fixed my hair trying to play it cool. I was cool.

"Hm." He said still waiting for the waiter to arrive, who was now flirting with a girl at the bar.

"Damn what's it take for a man to get a drink around here?" He asked irritatingly trying to wave the bartender over. He gave up looking back at me, my gaze was already on him. His lips were coated in a gloss like fixture and i couldn't help but state. He quickly snatched my drink taking a swig of it, breaking me out of the trance. Shock.

"Um.. what th-"

"Damn that's good." He said wide eyed as he cut me off. I couldn't help but feel my face grow hot as I watched him finish the rest of my drink. He didn't care that I was already drinking out of that...? I felt my mouth hang open subconsciously as I watched the white haired fool before me.

He looked back to my face taking in my unreadable expression. "Oh do you want this back?" He said chuckling as he gestured to the empty cup.

"I'm just messing with you! I'll get you another one." He said smiling as he sat in the chair next to me. The bartender finally makes his way over taking our orders. He ordered something else this time instead of what I had drank before.

"Here wanna try mine?" He asks holding the cup out to me. My mind raced as I thought of an answer. "I don't have cooties sweetheart, don't worry." He smirked taking another sip with his full lips. He was so pretty, I barely knew him but almost everything he was doing was making me feel flustered. 

I began swaying in my seat as one of my favorite songs started beaming in the club. (Addiction by Doja Cat).

"What's your name?" He asked watching me gently sway in my chair. His piercing icy eyes traced my entire body, he could paint me just from memory with how much he looked at me. I didn't mind though.

"It's Y/n." I said smiling at him.

"Mine's Gojo." He held out his drink, I took it finally taking the sip that he had offered. The taste was a bit bitter, and alcohol flavor was strong. I tried my best not to make an odd face. "Oh now she wants a sip." He says taking a sip directly after me.

"Why else would you offer your drink to me again if you didn't want me to try it?" I asked giggling a bit feeling flustered again. "I was actually waiting for you to do 'cheers' with me." He said grabbing my cup and doing the gesture he was explaining. My face went red as he let out a loud chuckle. His laugh was contagious and one of the goofiest I have ever heard.

"S-sorry." I finally spewed out, covering my red face with my hand. I heard his laugh die down as his hand gently wrapped around my wrist, pulling my arm down to stop blocking my face.

"Don't be." He let go giving me a smirk. I felt my face heat up again, knowing it was still tinted red.

"So... we've gotta talk about this little problem you have here honey." He tipped his glasses down again now leaning his arm against the back of my chair.

"What problem?" It felt like my heart was in my mouth as I waited for his answer.

"What do you mean what problem? It's obvious.." He stated bluntly finishing off his drink.

"If it's so obvious then why don't you share with me." I said smiling as I teasingly batted my long eyelashes at him.

"Y/n. I'm not playing." He said. His face was blank as it began to grow serious.

"Me fucking either, whatever the hell your name is. If you think I have a problem then leave, it's probably you anyways." I said now getting aggravated. He continued staring me down, until the bartender gave me another drink. I watched as his face turned into confusion and he mumbled something to himself before getting up.

I rolled my eyes watching him leave before I felt a sudden hand on my shoulder. His breath brushed against the top of my ear, and his face grazed mine. Tingles shot through my body as he whispered to me. "Stay put. I'll be back." He unbuttoned his top two buttons before meeting a group of men that sat behind me.

My gut instantly dropped telling me I should leave. Then again I had weird feelings everywhere I went. Almost like he was right, like I was the problem.


Gojo's POV:

"She has no idea what's been following her?!" Nanami questions rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"No, she doesn't. I'm sure she can feel the energy, but she probably thinks it's her. So we need to keep a close eye on her, making sure it doesn't do anything that will hurt her or anyone else until we can figure out a way to kill it with keeping her safe." I turned watching the girl at the bar again who had ordered another drink.

"Alright what's the plan?" Nanami asks me as I turn to face them again.

"I'll work my way into her life, from a far just enough to keep a close eye on her. You should do the same. He scoffed rubbing at his temples now. "I'm going overtime now." He pushed his glasses further onto his nose before checking his watch.

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now