Ch. 14) Leader of the Idiots

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I'm an idiot. I'm a complete fucking idiot. I stared at myself in the mirror, watching the stupid faces I made as I brushed my teeth. Neither Y/n or Nanami were answering my calls or text messages. And yes it was a wonderful idea to make her angry with a curse attached to her,  but that just falls back into the I'm-an-idiot topic. 

I sighed, spitting the contents in my mouth into the sink. My eyes only seemed angry every time I looked at myself today, despite the chiseled abs staring at me from just above my bath towel. I was angry with myself, yet again over something Sugaru related. Yes I never should have insulted his girlfriend. Yes I never should have interrupted their dance but,.. 

Oh who am I kidding. I have no excuse accept the fact that I was angry and acting on a selfish impulse. 

I removed my towel, throwing on my typical Jujutsu sorcerer uniform. I have to make it up to them. Both of them. The minute my pants were on, knocking echoed throughout the corridors of my penthouse. 

I dropped my shirt on my bed only hoping Y/n would be on the other side of that door. I quickly threw it open, only to find Nanami on the other side, staring at his watch. 

"Why is it that every time I show up you are half naked?" He raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. "You have no idea how disappointed and happy I am to see you." I quickly invited him in before grabbing the rest of my clothing. 

"I'm sorry. I would have checked on you last night but I had to take Reign home. Sugaru and her broke up."" I choked on absolutely nothing as he continued speaking.

"What? Why? Not because of me right?" I questioned, feeling my heart sink. If he was happy I really didn't want to ruin that. I just felt jealous that he was willing to talk to her and not me.

"He is upset with himself because prior to your fight, he accidentally hurt her. He lost control and crushed her hand leaving bruises all along her skin. He wants to better himself before they continue on with the relationship." Nanami spoke quietly, seeming almost sad for her. 

"That's actually smart. I mean, he's gonna try right?" I shoved my shoes on before untying the other.

"He broke up with her, so I hope for her sake that he will." He swallowed.

"You alright Nanami?" I questioned, just realizing that I had never seen him talk like this before.

"I am. It was just hard to comfort her when there was nothing I could do to fix it. Also, on the topic of fixing things, you need to apologize to her." His brows furrowed as he checked his watch again. 

"Yes, that is on the list of things that I need to fix. First on the list though is apologizing to Y/n, because that was her friend and I made her really upset. She's angry at me right now and she's ignoring me so I have to make it up to her somehow. 

"It would be more logical to apologize to Reign first then so that will also help your case in letting Y/n forgive you." He rubbed his temples. 

"I need to talk to Y/n. I can't wait any longer and knowing Reign, she probably won't even let me apologize right now." I stood, quickly making my way for the door, Nanami was quick to follow as we left my house.


She looked absolutely beautiful, and to my surprise she was working the counter today. I waved at one of her staring co-workers quickly earning goo goo eyes before she ran over to Y/n, whispering something incoherent to her. She rolled her eyes before her gaze was quickly on me. 

She put the hand held scanner back, before slipping out from behind the counter to come meet me. I held flowers up from outside the window. 

"What are you doing here?" She raised her brows with the most sass I had ever seen on her. 

"I brought you some flowers." I smiled, holding out the bouquet I bought. She hesitantly took them before smelling them. 

"Thank you. I have to go back to work now, we're busy today." She smiled, beginning to turn away.

"Y/n wait no. I, I miss you." I grabbed her arm, just reaching for her out of habit. Her face fell.

"Gojo, this is why I didn't want to see you. I don't know what you do to me but I literally feel guilty for being upset at you when you're the one in the wrong." She frowned, furrowing her brows. 

"I'm sorry. It's not intentional. Can we please just talk? I hate it when you're mad at me. You've been ignoring my calls and everything." I smiled feeling hopeful. She had me feeling like a lovesick idiot. I watched her think about my words, before her eyes moved to my hand that was still on her arm. 

"Pick me up tonight. We can talk then." She smiled sympathetically, squeezing my hand with hers before she turned again and walked back inside. 


"Gojo... you know you can't just keep spending money on me until I forgive you right?" She sighed giving me a look as she eyeballed the bag of Chinese takeout. 

"Can't I though?" I chuckled, earning an eyeroll from her.

"Sorry, I'm just messing around." I smiled, just watching the sassy little attitude leave her body. 

"So did you want to talk at my place or yours?" I questioned, beginning to pull out of the parking lot. 

"Mine." She stated coldly as she crossed her arms. I saluted her only making her roll her eyes again. 

He apartment was closer to her work so it was a short drive. She swung the door open quickly greeting Simba before throwing her work bag on her kitchen chair. Her apartment was small, and I had to duck to get into the door frame, but it fit her. So I adored it. 

"Alright, where do you want it?" I questioned, watching her point at her living room table. 

I sat down on the couch taking out our food, she was quick to follow. 

"I'm going to apologize to Reign when she will let me. I want to make things better Y/n." 

Her gaze quickly met mine, but she wasn't angry or upset, she was just listening as she began to shovel food. 

"Please just apologize Satoru. She's important to me like Sugaru was to you. You're important to me too." Her hand grazed the side of my cheek, letting her thumb rub my cheek bone. I smiled just feeling happy to look at her, to feel her touch. Everything went quiet as we began eating. 

"For the record." She swallowed before saying, "I missed you too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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