Ch. 3 Attachment

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Work went by quickly after Gojo left. Just a usual day other than the uncanny events that took place this morning, my brain just continued to play the moment over and over. He wouldn't leave my head. Even when I tried "distracting" myself he would find a way in. It was honestly aggravating.

I huffed restocking the books on one of the isles. We had just gotten a new order of books in so it was sadly time to take the old ones off the shelves. Most of the popular ones stayed though.

"Hey Y/n." A familiar voice called out from behind the shelf. "Oh hey Yuji!" I smiled waving at him as he crept around the corner. He had hit on me a couple times, but I rejected him because he was a little young. So it was a bit awkward when we talked but he was still a great friend and  a nice kid to be around.

I only knew him because one of my best friends was dating his best friend Megumi. So occasionally we all hung out.

"How have you been?" He asked sitting on the floor next to me. "I've been good. You?" I asked giving him a sincere smile.

"Good. I just came to check on you. Okay bye now." He quickly got up, running to the back of the store before laughing. Okay... I'm just ready to leave.


It had been a few days since I've seen Gojo, which made it easier to concentrate on things like work and college. But a part of me couldn't help but hope he would reappear sometime. It made me feel like an idiot.

I popped in my earbuds hitting shuffle play on my music again as I headed home. I pulled my hood over my head as I fiddled with the lipstick taser hanging around my keychain. The night was quiet and i could feel myself zoning out as i watched my feet move under me.

I jumped, Suddenly feeling a heavy hand reach out from behind the corner of the boba shop, instantly pulling me into the corner of the alley way that they were hiding in.

Without thinking, I immediately pulled out my taser, pressing the button against whoever was holding me.

"Ah fuck! Y/n. What the fuck are you doing." The white haired man stood further away from me in the alley way now as he held his stomach.

"What the hell are you doing grabbing me like that this late at night." He quickly shoved me out of the way as he absorbed some sort of energy.

"I'll handle you later." He said stepping out into the dim light of the street lamp.

"Gojo now!" A blonde man in a business suite came out of nowhere slashing through the air with what looked like a cheetah-print knife. Gojo and him met in the middle as a purple liquid was now all over everything. What the fuck is going on.

I slowly shuffled closer to them getting a glimpse at the now visible disgusting looking creature laying in the middle of the street.

"Hello Y/n." The blonde bows before wiping off his knife and putting it back where it came from.

"Uh, hi." I said before quickly trying to speed off. Gojo was already in-front of me before I could move at all.

"Uh, no ma'am I don't think so." He lifted his shirt showing me the now forming burn mark from my taser on his perfectly chiseled abs. My heart swam in my throat as his V-line stared up at me. How is he so fucking hot.

"I'm sorry, you just scared me." I said trying to quickly move past him, he blocked me again stepping in my way with his long ass legs.

"She was protecting herself Satoru." The blonde finally stepped in putting his hand on Gojo's shoulder. His eyes immediately relaxed as he put his shirt back down.

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now