Ch. 6) Stay with me.

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"Okay. You're discharged, but I'm gonna run some rules by you before you leave okay?" Only a few hours had passed after I went to see Gojo. He invited me to sit with him in the hospital bed, he even put his arm around me and occasionally would kiss my head or crack a lousy joke as we watched TV together.

He nodded staying quiet as he listened to Reign. "I have a pill mixture that will help you with the pain, you will need help in the shower and we're gonna send you home with crutches for today. When you sit, keep your leg elevated as best as you can. I also have some ace bandages I'm going to send home with you to wrap around the stitching. The curse sliced through a good chunk of muscle so it will take a bit for the muscle to heal." She stated listing the things he had to do on her fingers.

He nodded.

"Alright. Let me go get your stuff so you can leave." She smiled at me and winked before leaving the room.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" I asked sitting up as I looked at him. He didn't pick his head up off the pillow, but he turned to look at me. I could die looking into those eyes.

"You could kiss me." He said with a sympathetic smile. His eyes looked sad with almost the slightest hint of despair. I smiled back at him as my now blood filled hand reached up to touch his face. He looked so tired as he leaned into my hand. His cheek gently pressing into my palm. I still knew such little information about him.

"I'll kiss you." I whispered by his ear before gently latching my lips onto his. He melted letting out a shaky breath as his hand came up to hold the back of my head. His hand gently tangled in my hair as he breathed me in again. His teeth lightly tugged at my bottom lip as he bit it, sucking at the soft skin that covered it.

"I really wanted to see you the other day." He said breathily as he pulled away from me. His hand still stayed in my hair as his eyes brushed over my face before settling onto my lips. They shot back and fourth taking in both of my eyes, unsure of which one to look at.

"I still got to see you Satoru." I smiled rubbing a speck of blood off his cheek. "Yeah... but I wanted to take you out. Now you're caught up in this shit." His hand moved from my hair to my jaw, rubbing at the spot where my dimples usually formed.

I gently kissed him again before pulling away. "Satoru... it's okay. I'm happy to be here with you." He smiled before we heard the door open again. I turned to see a smiling Reign with a hospital bag chalked full of medical supplies.

She also ran me through a few more things like how to clean it and everything like that before we left.

Satoru wanted to go back to his appartment, so I called us an uber. It wasn't too far away from mine, just further into the city. A bigger building as well. I will say, with his height the crutches weren't doing much justice for him. We took the elevator to the 10th floor as he led me to his apartment. I helped him with his keys as we went in. It was bigger than mine, and his scent lingered all over.

It was beautiful honestly, the counters were black and white marble and most of his apartment consisted of black and white colored furniture. With the exception of a blue beanbag chair.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked looking around a bit. "My room." He stated gesturing to the door closest to the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony. I smiled at him before opening the door to his bedroom. His room was nice, roomy. He had a bathroom in his room and out by the living room. His scent was the strongest in here, and it was surprisingly neat.

He wobbled over to the bed groaning as he sat down. His bedroom window looked out over the city. It was honestly so beautiful. The sun was just setting which was a pretty sight, even through blue curtains.

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