Ch. 11) Last Minute

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After our date, Gojo took me home and went back to his place. We both had work today so we figured it would be best to not keep each other awake. 

New Text Message:
 Gojo <3:
Hey pretty girl. Hope your day is going good. I'm
bringing lunch over! 

I smiled reading his message. Despite the fact we were just together, going on that date just made me want to be around him more. 

Kay. Miss you. See you soon! <3

I smiled before putting my phone back in my pocket. Today we were restocking the shelves, aka, the worst part about working in a book store. The restocking wasn't the bad part, it was when we had to take down the left over previous books that haven't been bought. After we take them down, it was mandatory to go into the back room and destroy then or rip off the front cover. Most of the time I end up taking a great deal of books home. 

Luckily there was only an hour until my lunch break so, I wasn't too worried about being the one to destroy the books.


"Hey beautiful." His voice echoed throughout the book store, his hand dangled a bag that I assume has our lunch in it.  I can't help but smile at the sound of his voice or the sight of his face. 

"Hey. I'll be right there." I quickly put my last book on the shelf before running into the backroom for my purse. 

"I'll be back after lunch." I yelled to anyone in the back before bolting out of the back room door, only to find everyone I worked with crowded around the white haired man by the entrance. A huge grin plastered on his face as he charmed the girls. I giggled a bit at the way everyone acted around him. This seemed to happen a lot so it was kind of easy to get used to. 

His eyes quickly found me as I exited the back room. He pushed past the girls crowding him, not caring about anything else they had to say, to meet me half way and escort me out of the building. Macey winked before turning around and heading back to work. 

"I missed you so much baby." He paused after exiting the building, embracing me in a much needed hug. God it felt so good to just be in his arms. 

"I missed you too Gojo." His arms wrapped around my waist, and his head nuzzled in my neck. I could feel him untense as he inhaled. 

"Everything okay?" I questioned. He pulled away, and his shaded eyes immediately found mine.

"Yeah babe. Just dealing with a lot at work, but there's actually something I wanted to talk about." He smiled as we sat down and settled into an outside table. I couldn't help but feel my stomach drop. I swallowed, trying to push any negative thoughts away. 

"What is it?" I questioned grabbing the box of food he had handed me. Somehow he knew that I wanted McDonalds today, and brought me a BigMac and some fries. I smiled immediately stuffing some greasy fries in my mouth. 

"There's this annual honorary ceremony that the Jujutsu Sorcerers hold every year. It was created quite some time ago to honor our fellow fallen Jujutsu sorcerers. The families of the fallen or retired can come celebrate and I want you to go with me." He smiled before taking a huge bite of his BigMac.  

I almost choked on mine trying to process everything he was saying. 

"Are you sure I can go with you?" 

"Yes of course." 

"Even though I have a curse attached to me?" 

His face got pale, and he stopped chewing as a blank stare moved it's way to his face. 

"Baby I want you there." He swallowed putting his food down. "Are you worried about that? The curse?" He questioned reaching for my hand that was sitting on the table. His long fingers grazed mine, before interlocking with them. 

"No. I just don't want anything to happen. I don't want them to think I'm a threat." I swallowed, staring at our interlocked fingers. His thumb rubbed mine gently. 

"Baby, they know about your situation, that's why you're under my protection. They know you're not a threat." He picked my hand up, lifting it to his soft warm lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.  "I don't normally go. I've gone twice I think but I want you to go with me this year. Besides a lot of things have changed this year and I have to give a speech." He set my hand back down reaching for his fries again.

I smile pushing away all of the resurfaced negativity trying to infiltrate my mind. 

"I'd love to go with you Satoru." Despite having a curse attached to my ass, I was honestly extremely excited to be his plus one. I didn't get to go to things like this. I had no idea what to wear. Was it formal or casual? 

"It's uh... it's tomorrow by the way." He spoke with a mouthful, another blank stare on his face. 

"Gojo... I need to find something to wear. Why'd you wait so long to ask me?" I gave him an aggravated look. 

"Well because when the sorcerers first started talking about it like a month ago I kind of shrugged it off because I wasn't gonna go again. Then things changed with you and I and with being a sorcerer too. I lost a lot of people this year, and now I'm giving a speech. We were preparing for it at work today so I kind of forgot until now." He gave me a nervous shrug and a giggle. I sighed rubbing my temples. 

He got up, cleaning our trash before leaning over me. "Don't worry. I'll make it up to you." He whispered before kissing my head. He pulled away, winking as he stroked my hair, and turning to leave. "Oh! I'll send you some money for a dress too!" He hollered as he walked away. 

Oh Gojo...

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