Ch. 10) Seeing "him"

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I stood in the mirror of my bathroom staring at my reflection as I tied the back of my blouse. It had been two days since I took off work and spent the day with Gojo.

Nanami stopped by his place with the sorcerer nurse to help heal his wound the rest of the way.

It's not a huge gash anymore and only had sturi strips along the top of the cut to help keep it together. He was no longer on crutches or in severe pain so of course he had to stop by my work yesterday and beg to take me out for dinner tonight.

And yes, just like the annoying toddler he is, he got his way.

So here i stand in a black skirt and a white shirt.

Just standing here.

Waiting? Waiting for what? Time to pass? To find something I need to change?

I stared until finally realizing that I needed eyeliner to complete the look.

I smiled practicing my laugh...

Why was I nervous? I had slept with him, i showered with him. I cuddled him and he held me in places that I didn't even like to touch on myself. So why was I nervous?

The door bell rang letting the acid in my stomach catch on fire. Here we go. I grabbed my purse before swinging the door open.

"Hey gorgeous." He sang as he tipped his sunglasses down to the tip of his nose. He wore a blue dress shirt and black pants with some nice dress shoes. His sleeves were rolled up to just below his elbows and I could smell his cologne from 10 feet away. His top two buttons were undone and of course his lips were shiny.

I giggled watching him almost fall off of the door frame he was leaning on as he performed his sexy pose.

"Hai." I smiled taking the hand he had offered me as we left my apartment.

"You look so pretty Y/n. I'm so glad you're finally letting me take you out." He squeezed my hand in excitement as we exited the building.

"Me too so it better be good!" I winked at him earning a playful solute and a "yes ma'am."

The car ride wasn't long before we pulled up to an extremely fancy diner. You could smell the food from outside. Elderly couples dressed in velvet, pearls and golf's shirts were seen leaving, which told me this is where the rich ate.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He parked pausing to look at me before we got out. An honest concerned look plastered on his face.

"Gojo you didn't have to take me to the most expensive place on the-

He sighed cutting me off, rolling his eyes, and crossing his arms as he threw himself back on the chair. His face had an unreadable expression as he stared at me.

"Ya know. You would've complained no matter where i took you so shut it and let me eat where I want. It's Italian. You can't go wrong with it." He cocked his head at me sticking out his tongue. I sat in shock, like literally i think my mouth is hanging open and my brain is running through my ears.

"I'm just kidding. Don't worry about expenses, i got that covered. Besides you deserve the best and i'm here to provide." He winked before snatching his keys out of the ignition and basically skipping out of the car.

What the fuck? He just flipped like a switch.

He snapped me out of my confused trance, snatching the door practically off the hinges to pretend to be a butler as he opened it for me.

Oh god. What did I get myself into?

Beautiful shrubs were neatly placed around the borders of the restaurant and the room was dimly lit by only table candles.

The minute we stepped in the waiters/ waitresses immediately stopped to greet Gojo.

"Either they really like your wallet or you take all of your dates here." I shoved my elbow into him teasing him.

"What dates?" He questioned staring back at me blankly. Like he really didn't understand that I was teasing him...

"Gojo i was jok-

"I know." He smiled patting my head.

Again. I stood there in shock as confusion strangled me from the inside.

"I'm sorry Y/n. Idk what's wrong with me. I've never been so nervous around anyone before. It's so unlike me and idk why i'm nervous around you. Like we've seen each other naked and cuddled and you saw me in pain which is like the most vulnerable state of all and i'm still so nervous around you. I act like a fool." He sunk down in his chair rubbing his face with his hands.

"You act like a fool all the time Gojo." I couldn't help but giggle, which of course earned his attention followed by a pout.

"Gojo, relax. I'm nervous too. Just be yourself okay?" I smiled which made him sit back up.

"Sometimes that's hard Y/n. I don't want you to think i'm overbearing."

"Why would I think that?"

"Because i am." He paused unwrapping his silverware to play with his fork.

"Gojo no you're not. Who told you that?"

He got quiet and slumped over on the table to lean on his hand.

"I lost my friend yesterday. You were at work and we got into a fight. We broke the friendship off and he told me I was overbearing and selfish. That the only reason why I am important is because I am strong." He paused again, not looking at me the entire time he spoke.

"He was the only one I was ever so comfortable around to be myself and not care about being annoying or 'overbearing'. Despite my happy outside he knew how I was on the inside too. And you're the only other person that has seen that side of me with the slight exception of Nanami. But Nanami and I don't talk like that. We keep each other's secrets out of respect."

"Wait... so this friend? Was it the one at the hospital with you a few days ago? The black haired one that seemed really into Reign?"

"Yeah. Sugaru. My best friend. He was my best friend. He quit being a sorcerer too."

"Hai! My name is Lily, I'll be your waitress today! Can i get you guys started on some drinks?" She questioned looking between Gojo and I. His demeanor changed and immediately went back to flirty and happy. He ordered a sweet tea and an appetizer of bread and calamari and I ordered a lemonade.

"Well I don't think you're overbearing Gojo. We spend a lot of time together, trust me! I would know! And maybe this is just what your friend needs right now. If you guys are meant to be in each other's lives, then you'll find a way back to each other." I smiled grabbing a piece of his calamari, which made him smile too.

The more time I spent with him, the more I learned about the way he acted. It almost seems like he wants to seem charming and arrogant so nobody will see the things that make him vulnerable. He acts like a child almost as if intentionally trying to distract someone from seeing him.

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now