Ch.12) The ceremony

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Gojo <3:
Satoru Gojo imported $800.
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EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS?! Has he lost his mind? I could get two fucking cars with this money.

GOJO! Are you crazy?! What kind of dress is going to cost $800?!

Gojo <3:
You'd be surprised babe. Just enjoy it. ;) I can always send
more if you're gonna complain.

NOOO! Jeez.

Gojo <3:


I took half of the day off from work today to go dress shopping and luckily found the perfect one. It was barely $100 so I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of Gojo's money. It was black and form fitting with sequins along the base of it. It was beautiful and elegant, which seemed perfect for this kind of event.

I was so excited, it was probably unhealthy. The time came soon, and before I knew it, I was curling my hair in the slim black dress before my mirror. Gojo had texted me a few minutes ago saying that he was on the way so I was glad that I did my makeup first instead of my hair.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Just a minute." I called setting my curling iron on the bathroom sink. I was so nervous. He hasn't seen my dress yet. What if he doesn't like it. I hesitantly made my way to the door, checking the peephole before opening it. Gojo stood wide eyed, in his usual shades and a rose bouquet in hand. His tux was well tailored to his body, and his tie was a gray color, making our themes match perfectly.

"Holy shit. You look so fucking beautiful Y/n." He smirked snaking his arm around my waist to pull me in. His lips quickly found mine, taking me in for a deep kiss. I could feel him smile against me as he kissed me.

"You do too." I pulled away winking at him. "We can leave in just a second, just let me finish my hair." I smiled inviting him in.

"Take your time pretty girl. I was just eager to see you." He interlinked our fingers, following me into the kitchen. I quickly put the flowers in a vase to display them on the table, and headed back to the bathroom.

He sat on my bed, watching me from the reflection of the mirror until I was done. And then we were off.


Women in beautiful dresses and men in dashing tuxedos filled the floor. Each table filled with sorcerers and their families.

"Stay by me." Gojo leaned in, whispering close to my ear over the chatter made by the crowd. I nodded as he led me to  a reserved table.

Two men sat at the table, already sipping whatever was in their glasses. It was absolutely breath taking here. Balloon fixtures and flowers were placed neatly around the room. The spotlight was already on the stage, red curtains drawn behind the microphone. White table cloths laid elegantly across each circle table the families were gathered at.

"Y/n , this is Yaga Masamichi,"  he paused gesturing to an older man with brown hair and sun glasses before continuing, "And this is Nanami Kento." He finished gesturing to the familiar  blond haired man who was now heading towards me.

"It's nice to see you again Miss Y/n." He bowed before me, handing me a glass of the punch from the snack table.

I smiled taking the punch and sipping on it. "It's nice to see you to Nanami, and its nice to meet you Mr. Yaga." I bowed before the both of them before sitting in the chair that Gojo had pulled out for me.

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