Ch. 4)Obsessed

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I sighed laying sleepless in bed. I felt so tired, but my mind wouldn't let me rest. It raced with every question I just couldn't think of when Gojo was here. Now that he was gone I had questions. Was it watching me right now? If it's attached then why can't i see it?

I got up out of bed, making my way to the fridge. I quickly typed in his number, hesitating before I sent him a text.

Hey. It's Y/n.

Within a split second after I sent the text, three urgent knocks landed on my apartment door. It's 1:47 in the morning. Who the hell? I crept towards the door grabbing my taser keys off the counter before carefully sneaking a peek through the peep hole in my door. Icy blue eyes stared right back at me through the other end of the peep hole. So close to the door I felt my heart skip a fucking beat as I jumped back.

I threw my keys on my couch opening my door with a sigh as he plunged into my apartment.

"How long have you been out there?" I asked laughing at his antics. He really was like comedic relief. "Well if you shuffled any slower it would've been over a minute." He looked at his watch dramatically flopping on my couch as he stared up at me.

"No I mean, I just texted you..." I said sitting down next to him, showing him the message on my phone.

"Oh right! I have a teleportation ability so I just came here." He said smirking that proud smirk again.

"Oh okay." I reached for the remote turning the TV on for some back ground noise.

"What did you text about anyways?" He asked scooting a bit closer as his head stayed resting on the back of the couch.

"Well I just had some questions about things. I know that it's late but I can't sleep without knowing." I said nervously fiddling with the sleeve of my hoodie. "Okay. You can ask me anything." I could feel his eyes on me as he waited for me to start talking.

"What will happen if you can't get it off me before you have to kill it? The curse?" I asked looking at him anxiously. He broke eye contact, now staring at the ground as his demeanor changed.

"I promise it won't come to that. I won't put your life in danger." He sat up off the couch turning towards me as he let his elbows rest on his spread legs.

"But what if-"

"It won't." He pressed his finger against my lips shushing me instantly as heat rushed to my face.

"Why is it attached to me?"

He grew silent thinking of an answer. "Did something happen to you? Something that made you feel vulnerable or weak or idk... anything not good?"

"I caught my ex cheating on me a couple weeks ago and we broke up. I felt worthless but I was  glad that we split." I recalled the memories and the constant attempt to drag myself out of depression.

"A surge of negative energy?"


"They're drawn to that Y/n." His voice was soft and low.

It was silent for a moment before another question ran through my head. It was nothing curse related, which made me feel a bit anxious.

"Is that the only reason you followed me in the beginning? I know I asked before, but you even rushed to my door the second I texted you." This time when I looked at him, he was smirking as he moved his body closer to mine. Our legs were now touching as he leaned back on the couch.

"No Y/n." He said inching towards my face. "I'm hopelessly and completely in love with you." He leaned his head towards mine keeping a smirk on his face as he began to open his mouth, grabbing my throat as he pulled me closer to him.

I closed my eyes letting his lips press against mine. I could feel him breath in the minute his lips latched onto me as if he had been holding it. Butterflies and tingles shocked every core of my body as he stuck his tongue in my mouth. My core twisted as his finger traced my jawline, and his other hand moved up to hold the other side of my face. The taste of vanilla lingered on his tongue as it caressed mine. What the fuck am i doing Y/n. I didn't even have to believe the fact i had some stupid thing stuck to me.  But everything was adding up. My mind just kept going back to that purple blob in the street. Get it together Y/n.

He pulled away still keeping me in his grasp. Our faces still only a breath away. "I'm obsessed." He whispered before his lips latched onto mine again. So much was happening in so little time. And honestly, I hated the fact that i felt okay with it. He pulled away again this time releasing his grasp on my neck and he leaned back onto the couch.

"You satisfied?" He asked as Simba jumped up onto his lap.

My mind was blanking with the only thing I could think about being him. The way he kissed me, the way he pulled me into him. The way I wanted more...

"Y/n..." He placed his hand on my shoulder making me jump a little as I came back to reality. He just chuckled petting the kitty again.

"You need an other taste or-"

"Stop toying with meeee!!! For all i know you could be a liar and curses aren't a thing and you're just trying to get in my pants." I whined out sinking into the couch as I covered my face in my hands.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked still keeping his beautiful blue eyes on Simba and disregarding everything i said.

"I'm off so I honestly don't know." I said leaning back on the couch with him.

"Can I take you out?" His eyes averted towards me, a gentle look as he waited patiently for an answer.

"Yeah. Where are we going?" I asked scooting even closer to him.

"Wouldn't you like to know princess." He smirked at me again before helping the cat get off his lap. "Any other questions?" He asked preparing to stand up if I didn't have any.

"No. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled feeling a faint blush rush to my face. My mind was still in the middle of processing everything that just happened. The kiss only replaying over and over in my head. I only wished he would kiss me again, over, and over.

He pecked my cheek before heading towards the door without saying another word.


New Message
Gojo: Pick you up at 8 tonight.

My eyes slowly opened as the sunlight peeked at me through my blinds. I rolled over petting Simba as I woke up. My heart throbbed with the first thing on my mind as I woke up being Gojo. I couldn't help but smile to myself remembering the feeling of his soft tongue, his taste, his smell.

I rolled back over, staring at the ceiling as my mind raced with ideas of what was yet to come.

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now