Ch. 9) Cuddles and early mornings

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For some reason I always managed to wake up before Satoru. I don't know if my body just won't let me sleep because I'm so nervous around him, or just because I'm an early bird. It's not like we've slept together a bunch, so it was also new.

I watched as his bare chest rose and fell, his face so peaceful as his mouth hung open ever so slightly. And the faintest of his breathing could be heard as he slept.

I can't wrap my head around how one person can be so extraordinarily perfect. Yet here he was.

I watched as he closed his mouth in his sleep, and quickly looked away as he flipped on his side towards me. His hand flung across my stomach, and he pulled me in.

My heart dropped feeling his breath on my neck. I don't know why I'm freaking out. His fingers were literally inside of me the night before!. His dick was in my mouth! Why am I so nervous?

"Mmmh." He mumbled as his head dipped off of the pillow, and into the crook of my neck. It was cute honestly. I found his childishness annoying before, but now I adore it so much that I often question what's wrong with me.

Satoru seemed like a pretty heavy sleeper, and only ever so often stirred. Only when he was grabbing something, talking, or rolling over.

I flipped over, away from him as I tried to gently lift his arm over my body. I don't even know where my clothes are. I was feeling a little embarrassed after my shower yesterday, so he let me throw his shirt on. He threw on boxers, and then we went to bed.

His arm was heavy, and only seemed to get heavier the more I wiggled.

"Where are you going?" A whine broke out in a deep voice from behind me as his arm snaked back around my waist, and pulled my back into him. Hm, that's why.

"Good morning Satoru." I smiled feeling him sleepily kiss my neck. I never imagined him for such a clingy person.

"No. Goodnight. Go back to sleep you grandma. Why don't you sleep?" He whined as I threw his arm off me in a playful way, and got up. He sighed as he layed there looking at me.

"I sleep like a normal person. Not like a cat." I giggled watching him.

He was silent, but wore an unreadable expression on his face. His arm propped his body up as his head rested in his palm. Yet he just stared.

"What is it Satoru?" I scratched my arm feeling a little exposed.

"I just never imagined how much I'd love waking up to see you in my clothes. Messy hair and all." He smirked that dumb smirk he always wore as I turned to face the mirror. I look absolutely atrocious.

"Gojo." I covered my face as I sat down at the vanity in his room. Blush and embarrassment mixed on my face as I peered through my fingers at my reflection, and the growing body behind me.

"Don't say anything bad." I felt his hands easily wrap around my small wrists, and gently remove them from my face. A blush sat on my cheeks as he hugged me from behind, kissing the apple of my cheek as he stared at my reflection. As we stared.

"You should keep the shirt. It looks good on you." He kissed the top of my ear before ruffling my hair and walking into the kitchen.

"Gojo, you know you're not supposed to be using your leg." I sighed watching him drink straight from the milk carton, not caring about using his leg or not.

"It'll heal." He smiled before drinking what was left in the carton. I just stood there watching him.

"Oh... sorry. Did you want some?" He held up the empty carton. I just shook my head earning another childish exaggerated giggle from him. I couldn't help but smile though.

I turned before he could see my giddy expression and trudged back to the bed room. "Hey Y/n."

His voice grew louder as he grew close again.

"You know we still need to go on that date right? I couldn't take you out because I got hurt." I watched his eyes twinkle as a red blush moved across his face in the reflection of the mirror.

"Gojo you're still hurt, and aren't even supposed to be using your leg."

"Okay fine I'll use the crutches if you let me take you out."

"So now i'm gonna go on a date with a cripple?"

"Hey, Miss Priss! You're the one making me use them." He shrugged his shoulders making his way back to the bed. I watched as his tall lean body stretched out before burying himself in covers again.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Gojo. But we don't have to rush. It's only been a day since you've been hurt. We have all the time in the world." I smiled making my way back over to him.

"So is this you saying that you'll call off work today and we can just lay in my bed all day and cuddle?" He pulled me in nuzzling my neck with his nose.

"Actually Yes. But we might have to go to my place because i need to make sure Simba is okay and fed!"

"Sounds like a plan pretty girl!"

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now