Ch. 2) Stalker?

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Last night was kind of a bore. I only had a slight head ache from the alcohol I had consumed. I got up and began showering for work. I worked at a local book store by my favorite boba shop that I visited often. I'm currently taking college online, studying psychology to be a therapist for PTSD victims. So working at a book store was easy, and pays enough for food and an appartment.

I quickly put on some ripped jeans and a graphic T. I threw on some makeup and straightened my hair before I headed out the door. Occasionally I would have enough money to spoil myself with some boba every once in a while, and I was really craving it this morning.

My appartment wasn't too far from the plaza that housed my job, so it was an easy quick walk. Tokyo was beautiful, and only slightly scary at night. Which is always why I carried a lipstick taser.

I put in my ear buds, quickly putting my playlist on shuffle play as I walked to the boba shop. One of my favorite songs started playing, putting me in a good mood for the day. (Daylight by Taylor Swift)

I hummed and even skipped a little as I approached the open sign to the boba shop.

"Ohiyo! The usual Ms. Y/n?" The waiter asked with a bright smile on his face. I nodded and smiled back as I took in the adorable shop. It always made me feel so happy. The art displayed always looked so beautiful with the color contrast.

I smiled sitting down at a table in the small shop as they made my drink. The bell to the door dinged behind me as loud footsteps approached the counter of the shop.

"Hello sir! Welcome. What can I get for you?" A girl asked in an excessively nice tone. A tone too nice to know it was purely kindness.

"Hm, matcha milk tea with tapioca pearls pleaseee." He flirted back dragging out his "please", and I immediately recognized his voice. What the hell was he doing here?

He ordered the exact same thing I get every time I come here.

I avoided turning around in hopes he wouldn't notice or recognize me from behind.

"Order for Ms. Y/n" My waiter states loudly at the perfect moment, holding it out towards me. I sighed feeling like I can finally breath again as I turn towards to waiter to grab my cup.

I watch as the snow white haired man's eyes travel up and down me again, taking in my features as he stood there. He was tall, I hadn't noticed his height before. But damn, he's got to be at least 6'3.

He quickly moved to my waiter taking the drink from him before smirking at me. "Here you are Ms. Y/n." He slid into the chair before me as he handed me my drink, making sure to brush his fingers against mine.

"Gojo... are you following me?" I asked eyeing him carefully before taking a sip of my boba.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. I like boba too." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he spread his legs. His pants weren't as tight today. Casual dark blue jeans and high-tops with a loose white shirt that wrapped around his build when he stretched. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering.

"You look cute today." He said snatching my cup from my hand and taking a swig from my drink again. My mouth fell open as I watched him. Again acting like a child with no filter.

"You're unbelievable." I said snatching my cup back from him.

"Aww come on I just wanted to try it." He pouted sitting up to lean on the table as he smushed his face in-between his hands and gazed at me.

"You ordered the same thing as me." I giggled watching him roll his eyes through his glasses.

"Whatever, nothing is exactly the same anyways." He scowled as his waitress called his name.

"Thanks sweetie." He gave her a tip, brushing his fingers against her hand too. I physically gagged hearing her run into the back room and squeal.

"Mm, nope see. Yours is better. We should trade." He wiggled his eyebrows at me offering me a sip of his now. I just giggled shaking my head as I rolled my eyes. It made him smile. Even though we barely knew each other and he was kind of annoyingly dickish... something about him made me want him around.

"Where you off to?" He asked sitting back in his chair again as his tongue fiddled with the straw, sucking on it ever so often. He really was... distracting, almost even enticing.

"Just to work." I said bluntly turning my music up a bit.

"Where do you work?" He asked leaning in a little closer. I guess he caught on that I was trying to drown him out.

"Just at the book store across the street." I pointed to the big bold "Books a Million" sign flashing above the small store I worked in.

"Ohhhhh you like books?" He asked taking a sip of his drink before attempting to snatch mine again. I quickly moved it away from his grasp as he fell on the table. I giggled feeling heat rush to my face as he scowled at me.

"Not funny." He sat back up, pouting as he took another sip of his drink.

"Alright alright I'm sorry." I said giving him a playful smile.

"You can make it up to me by letting me walk you to work." He smirked taking another sip of his drink.

"Fine." I sighed rolling my eyes as he quickly got up. It was right across the street, so there wouldn't be much of a walk anyways. He opened the door for me after we said good bye to the staff at the boba shop.

"What's your full name?" I asked looking up at him as he walked. His snow white hair flowed beautifully in the wind, but his glasses made the reflection of his legs look weird.

"Oh, it's Gojo Satoru." He said stuffing his hand in his pocket as he took another drink.

"Satoru.... Saaattooorrruuuu..." I giggled saying his first name a couple times. It was so fun to say, and it rolled perfectly off my lips. He must have liked it too, cause when I looked back up at him I could feel him peering at me through his sunglasses.

He opened the door to work quickly following after I stepped in. "Hey Y/n. Can you tak-" her mouth dropped the minute she saw Gojo step in behind me. He bowed before smirking at her and taking another long swig of his boba.

"This is Gojo." I awkwardly smiled at the stunned girl in front of us, who was still not moving. He couldn't help but laugh as he choked on the boba he had in his mouth. I smacked him before shooing him back out the door. He continued laughing even after he was out of the store.

"Macy... are you okay?" I asked walking up to my stunned co-worker. She was still staring at the snow white man who was now making faces at himself in the reflective glass window. I laughed at how stupid he looked before turning back around.

"Sorry  I don't know what came over me. Can you take over the register?" She asked handing me the handheld barcode scanner before rushing to the back room... and squealing.

Beyond Those Eyes ~{Gojo Satoru x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now