Chapter 21

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Waking up was easy surprisingly. Got ready, ate breakfast which consisted of pancakes and tea. My uncle drove me to school. The car ride was filled with morning radio music. The school's front was packed with students. I managed to go through them and get to my locker without having much trouble. Got everything sorted and was off to my first class which I shared with the girls.

They both were present in the classroom, I thankfully found an empty seat next to them and we talked. I mentioned that they should confess and they thought of doing it today at lunch since we sit at their table. Good to know. We discussed about the lesson and soon the bell rang and the teacher walked in. It was a boring lesson but having my friends here was helping me a bit to go through it, we all were suffering together here.

Soon the lesson finished and we went to our next ones, sadly I didn't share this lesson with my friends but Samuel was there. We sat next to each other. Nobody cared in a bad way that we were dating. Which is good, I think. We had to do the class work in pairs and I did it with my boyfriend which was fun. We managed to do the work in time, well a bit before the due time and had some free time to waste until the bell rings and we go to the next classroom.

Last class before lunch. Math and I am sad I am alone here. Although we also had a test which was fun, I think I did ok on it. Many said it was either hard or not too hard, no one said it was easy which now thinking that I said I thought I did ok is worrying if that is true, I don't want to fail this. The test lasted all lesson as it should have and I finally heard the bell and ran to the cafeteria. Found our table and some people there, Luciana there, Samuel soon came and sat next to me and Leonor was the first to arrive and Bernadette followed minute later. I don't think they will confess while eating but more privately. I hope things will go well for both of them.

Lunch went by and things were really good. The food I brought was tasty so I have nothing to complain, the company of mine and his friends were getting along very well. It was funny to see Leonor talking to Luciana and Bernadette to the guy she likes. Well soon the next lesson will begin. I managed to see Bernadette talking with the guy near some lockers and buy the way things seemed, everything was going well. Leonor and Luciana both walked out of the cafeteria and somewhere in the hallway they stopped and Leonor seemed sad, oh no, her crush doesn't like her back. I walk to my class and sat down, texted the girls.

Camila: How is everything? (I mean the "talk"?

Bernadette: He likes me back!

Camila: That is amazing! Happy for you.

Bernadette: Thanks, Leonor?

Leonor: I... she doesn't like me. She isn't bi or lesbian for that matter, so doesn't like me.

Camila: I'm sorry.

Bernadette: Would you like to hang out with us after school? I'm sorry too, you'll find someone for sure.

Leonor: Sure. I would like that and thank you.

I get bad for Leonor. She deserves happiness but it is life and things don't work out the way we wanted. She will find a girl someday, I am sure of it. But before the school ends we have lessons to attend. Thankfully after this one, we again share a class together. The first thing we did after we all got into the next class me and Bernadette hugged Leonor. She managed not to shed any tears, she is strong for that, but o can tell she cried before this class, likely right after the rejection.

Through out the lesson, Leonor was definitely else where, we didn't bother her, the teacher was not bothering her as well, the class went by but a bit too long for my liking. I don't even know what torture it is for my friend to be in school right now. I think I know the feeling. The class finished and I went to PE. Pure hell. I was sweating like never before. The teacher was evil today for everyone. I need to hit the home gym more often.

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