Chapter 3: Extraction..?

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So the funny guy gets turned into an anime woman and has an OP system?!?!?!!??! (totally not stolen from HaremWriter) I'm lazy so quality and quantity will be mid for quite some time.


(First Person POV)

So uh, I'm sent in a world where it's just guns, girls, and PTSD. Fun.

And unlike those rat bastards at most Wattpad stories, I heard my boy say something about an "OP system". I don't know if this is based on one of the stories I read but pray to dear God it is, for fewer complications

???: Booting OP system up, please wait.

Y/N: The hell? Did it start this early already?

OP System: NATHANIEL, Online.

Y/N: What does your name mean?

OP System: Nutter Annihilator for The Horny Assholes Now Into Electronic Laptops, shortened to NATHANIEL.


Y/N: ..Who designed you?

Nathaniel: Edward Siegel.

Y/N: Of course, quirky as always.

Sometimes his quirkiness is a good thing I suppose.

Nathaniel: My objective is to assist on your journey. I can manifest a form physically, but my main form is being in your brain. I also provide combat buffs, benefits, and abilities. Please note that you would need to spend more time in the world you are currently headed to unlock more abilities. All abilities, benefits, and buffs can be passive or active.

Y/N: Damn, Edward. You left me with a lot.

Nathaniel: Are you ready, Sir Y/N, or once you arrive in that world, G36C?

Well, I suppose there's no turning back for me once we head there. I better start praying I'm not stranded.

Y/N: I'm ready. As I'll ever be.

Nathaniel: Confirmed. Sending User: Y/N to G36C...

There was a long ringing sound before it all ended, and they ended up in an empty field...

Y/N: Huh, it's pretty empty. Ok, I said the obvious.

Nathaniel: There are no enemies nearby.

Y/N: Yeah no shit Sherlock. Wait... I'm actually a woman now?

Y/N took a good look at himself, mostly at his chest, because he never had anything there.

Y/N: Why is my voice different? It's much softer... A red beret... A vest... and of course a G36C.

Y/N decided to move, so he headed over to a rock to sit on it, in a familiar position...

Nathaniel: What shall we do now, User?

Y/N: There's nothing we can do.

Y/N: In all seriousness, we are gonna rest here for a bit and check the area, figured we might find something. Maybe we'll use the flare gun if we see something.

Nathaniel: Very well.

Y/N was thinking before asking Nathaniel:

Y/N: Nathaniel?

Nathaniel: Yes?

Y/N: Can I nickname you "Nat" instead? It's quite long.

Nathaniel: Very well. What else?

Y/N: What abilities do I have?

Nat: Sending a list of current abilities...

Nathaniel proceeded to send a list (obviously) to Y/N (now G36C)

Skills & Abilities:

Currently active (Passive)

-Infinite ammo
Unlimited ammo for any weapon held.

-Increased damage
Damage buff for every level. (100/200/400/800/...)

-Increased speed
Evasive buff for every level. (50/100/200/400/...)

-Increased ROF
Rate of Fire buff for every level. (200/400/800/1600/...)

-Increased accuracy
Accuracy buff for every level. (200/400/800/1600/...)

-Increased HP
Health buff for every level (500/1000/2000/4000/...)

Currently owned (Active)
(This one is the most outrageous part)

-Grenade Launcher (5-second cooldown)
Fires a full volley from a Milkor MGL with either HE or HEAT. (The incendiary option is available after upgrades)

-Shield (20-second cooldown)
Summons an invincible(?) shield that negates all damage.

-Squad tactics (25-second cooldown)
Increase G36C and others in her squad's ROF, DMG, ACC, and EVA by (50/100/200/400/...)%

G36C: Sheesh, I do have some OP abilities... Let's get going.

G36C walked into the open plains again and saw a helicopter nearby.

Nat: Helicopter spotted. CH-53 Sea Stallion model.

G36C quickly grabbed a flare gun, now noticing the injuries on her body.

G36C: I had injuries? Ah well, who asked?

G36C fired off a flare-up in the air, alerting the helicopter of its presence. The helicopter approached her area and landed while she was sitting on a rock holding her G36C with the stock on the ground.

???: Holy shit she's still alive!

???2: Start hurrying her inside, she has some critical injuries!

The two start loading her onboard, oddly enough, she doesn't even wince at the pain, mostly the nerves are gone, so that's mostly why. The helicopter flies off the area and on their way to their base.

G36C began taking in her surroundings, sensing a sense of deja vu, as if she had been in there before.

One of the soldiers onboard had a MP5 but looked like a child.

???: Um, G36C, are you alright..?

G36C: Don't worry, I'll be fine, I hope...


Hey there, TheHornieOne here. I decided to go for 700+ words for this chapter as a sorry for it disappearing and my inactivity. I hope you enjoyed the part!

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