Chapter 12: Unpaid Overtime be like

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Heya gamers, TheHornieOne here.

I don't have much to say so uh, enjoy the chapter!


G36C drives the forest camo Humvee back to the airfield, while G3 is sulking in the front seat and Edward at the back is chilling.

G3: I want my desert camo Humvee back...

G36C: We won't encounter anything, so we don't need the turret.

G3: But the Humvee would look cooler with the turret!

G36C: No.

G3: Please!

G36C: No.


While the two bicker, Edward is in the backseat, listening in.

Edward: Uh, girls..?

G3: I want the M2 Browning on it!

G36C: I already said no turrets! Yes, Edward?

Edward: We uh... have to do extra work. Overtime work in simple terms.

G36C: ..Do we at least get a raise?

Edward: Nope.

G36C slams the brakes, throwing G3 and Edward forward.

G36C: No... raise for overtime?

Edward: I'm afraid there's no raise for overtime, G36C.

G36C: That rat bastard K... I'LL FUCKING RIP HIM APART!

Edward: Chill, Y/N, chill!

G36C: I will rip his limbs off piece by piece, overtime with no pay!? That's the worst thing you could ever do!

G3: Chill out Y/N, calm down. We'll ask for a raise later.

G36C: ...

G36C calms down and hits the pedal, finally making their way there.

Edward: You're going 40 on a 20 mph school zone...

G36C: Fuck them kids.

Edward: Chill, what if the police show up?

G36C: ..Fine.

G36C slows down, and Edward hands her some candy, which G36C takes and eats it.

G36C: This stuff is sweet as hell, where'd you get it?

Edward: Nathaniel.

G36C: Fair enough.

While G36C drives at 20 mph, some of the junior high students see the Humvee.

Kid 1: Woah, is that a Humvee?

Kid 2(?): And there's 3 people there, all in gear.

Kid 1: You think they're military personnel?

Kid 3: Most likely.

Kid 4: It's pretty cool though.

G36C stops at a Mcdonalds. and the three get out.

G3: All of us got all our guns?

G36C: Yup, keys as well.

Edward: Well, let's head over and grab some Mcdonalds.

The three headed inside and got their orders, while the other customers stared at the three.

G36C: They got eyes all on us...

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