Chapter 11: When the Air Starts Speaking American

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Hi pals, TheHornieOne here.

Here's a new chapter for you guys, hope you all enjoy it!


After getting 30 minutes of scolding, Edward and G36C head back to their dorm, where G3 is gaming on G36C's PC.

G36C: Oi..! Jeff! Get off my damn gaming PC, I want to game on Ace Combat 7!

G3: No! Let me finish this World of Warships match!

G3 finishes the match and gets off as G36C opens up Ace Combat 7. She started gaming on Battle of Farbanti and getting an S rank on it.

Edward: Uhm... Helian messaged me and told me that we're going to Belgrade...

G36C: Fucking Belgrade?

G3: Seriously?

Edward: Sorry, Helian needs money, so we're doing jobs for the government.

G36C: Fine...

The three head to the airfield, and G36C decides to ask something.

G36C: What jet do each of you want?

Edward: I feel like we'll go with a civilian private jet instead of the regular military one.

G3: Agreed.

G36C: Well, I have just the aircraft for you two. Echo 4-1, requesting an ACJ350.

AI: Copy that, Crew or AI?

Edward: Crew.

AI: Roger that, sending it over.

The jet flies down the runway, and G3 and Edward are surprised by its size.

Edward: Uh... G36C? Isn't this.. too big?

G36C: Fuck it, we ball. It has countermeasures and can pull off a cobra. I'll also get some escorts for us, and this aircraft is invincible, so we don't uhh... get an "oh a civilian airliner" moment.

Edward: Too complex, I'll just go in.

G3: Yeah, same.

G36C: Wait, you want our escorts to be manned or unmanned?

Edward: Eh, go with manned. 4 F-15EXs will do.

G36C: Echo 4-1, requesting 4 manned F-15EXs.

AI: Roger that, sending it in.

The 4 escorts are now in the air while the ACJ is taking off. The 5 aircraft now head to Belgrade, with the chatter within the radio.

F-15EX 1: This is going to take a while, is it?

F-15EX 2: Yup, at least we're here to make sure nothing bad happens.

ACJ350 pilot 1: Sometimes I question why this aircraft has countermeasures and can pull off a cobra. Like, seriously?

F-15EX 1: That's just how the boss rolls, heard she's good at air combat as well. Shot down Mihaly while drunk.

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