Back To The Past

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"These two are going to be the best of friends I just know" said Maria. "Definitely I can't wait til they grow up" said gavinin.

~Time Skip/8 years~
"y'all are so grown up" said gavinin. My mother agreed. Me and Gavi had been the best of friends since birth, he was always my number one person, he made me feel better when I was sad. He was the sweetest person ever to me. Me and him where unstoppable, our favorite thing to do together was play soccer even though he's was way better than me I always played with him.

He started playing for soccer teams which meant less time for us to hang out but we still would go out often, I was so happy for him. He had so much passion for soccer. He had so much and still has so much potential. I will always be there for him for anything and I know he's the same with me. We went to the same school. Although he was from Spain and I was from Texas.

My parents are from Mexico and after having me in Texas they decided to move to Spain. So I'm not from Spain but lived in Spain for as long as I can remember. My mom and his mom met through a soccer game and ever since they been really great friends. On the other hand Gavi is from Spain and so are his parents. They lived there basically their whole life.

Mine and Gavis friendship was the best everyone used to be jealous of us. I don't know for what but I'm glad that never broke us apart. By the age of 10 I started gaining feelings I don't know if he felt the same so I never said anything.

my favorite memory of us is when we were 12. We liked each other a lot for some reason we never dated maybe because we were so young. Nobody knows anything about love or dating at that age. He one day asked me "will you marry me" I lit up but told him "ask me when we're older gavi" I smiled and so did he. A few weeks after my family decided they wanted to move back to Texas.

The day of me leaving was heartbreaking I wasn't gonna see Gavi no longer. I'd loose contact with him. We were both sad but there was nothing we could do. The day I left was the last time I spoke to him. My heart was broken that day hoping one day we'd talk again.

Anytime I'm sad I always think about that special moment of him asking me to marry him even though we were just kids.

this was our favorite song when we were younger.

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