Chapter 16

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Thanks so much for voting for the last chapter everyone! :DDD (<--- Last chapter as in previous not really last .... okay ill stop talking.. heh..) Anyway I feel like a fatty today cuz I ate wayy too much junkkfood but lets not go into too much detail bout that >.> Anyway you guys reached 24 votes in two days this time, TWO DAYS! Like that's seriously crazy! I love you guys :') Okay back to the point LOL I hope you guys like this chapter as much as you did the last, a little more actiony stuff here with Payton going to Dylan's university and all that and so yes Damon will be there! Any guesses why though? It's mentioned in an earlier chapter but I won't say which ;) Anyway thanks again everything :') And I hope to be hearing your lovely comments and seeing lovely votes this update too! :DD This book's list ranking has gone up too!(: I wish the numbers would be lower though >.< Anyway since you guys were so fast last time how bout 30 votes and 10 comments this time?(: YOU CHOCOLATE MONSTERS UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? I THINK SOOO! *Insert challange accepted meme here*


Chapter 16

"Continue for two kilometres and take a left at the next stop light," The annoying female GPS voice bunched off the walls of my car.

I've actually only driven to Dylan's university once and that was because he had left all his laundry at home. How do you miss something like that? Wouldn't he have noticed that his suitcase was extremely light? Well with Dylan you'd never know. It seems like laziness runs in the family. I chuckled at the thought but quickly snapped out of it when I almost missed the turn. Cars honked angrily behind me as I ducked my head behind the wheel as I drove. The old woman who looked like a heavy smoker in her fifties scowled at me and flipped me the finger. How lovely are people these days? Note the sarcasm.

"Thanks for reminding me to turn!" I yelled sarcastically at the GPS.

"You're welcome," It reponded back in its robotic tone.

Okay now that was creepy. Trust me to buy a GPS that answers you. Not weird, not weird at all. Actually I didn't even buy it, Damon did during one of our session! Since I was late half the time, he decided it was because I didn't know how to read a map, which was actually true believe it or not, and decided to take it upon himself and get me a GPS.  

"I should return you and keep the money he spent," I grumbled under my breath.

Maybe he casted some weird Cupid spell on the GPS. Who am I kidding? I don't think he could cast spells.

"I wasn't bought from a store," I think I'll stop talking now, the voice answering is too creepy.

I sighed as I turned into Dylan's university. The large campus always amazed me. Someday I'll be coming here. Well, not exactly here since this campus of the university's was for science majors. Wait, actually scratch that, I wouldn't be coming here. I remembered briefly about my Mom's job transfer. I'm guessing she'll want me to go somewhere like Yale or Princeston once we're in the states. Why not Harvard? I don't think my grades will ever be high enough for that school. Besides, I have a friend who is going to Princeston, a family friend. We're the same age so if she doesn't have a roommate, it might be a good idea to ask about rooming together. But that's still a year away, I'll have plenty of time to think.

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