Chapter 13 - Twisted Heart

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Sherry - Dad, I'm going!

The young woman threw the artifact into the middle of the auditorium, a light emerged from it and then the magic blockade was completely canceled, without wasting time Rose advanced against one of the guards and broke his neck with a kick.

Picking up his sword, she shouted to everyone that the blockade had fallen. All the students advanced against several of the guards.

Cid- *Thoughts* Hmm, Y/n must have something to do with it...

A guard coming up behind the boy tries to hit him with his sword.

Rin- Watch out!

The girl pushes the guard, making him miss the blow, and the hooded man angrily turns to her.

Hooded - You little shit!

Before he can do anything, he's hit in the back of the head and his sword falls to the ground, then Kagenou picks it up and hits the guard, killing him. Kagenou looks at Rin.

Cid- Thank you very much for your help Tohsaka.

The boy smiles at her and takes up a guard position, the young woman smiles and stands next to Cid.

Rose was fighting several enemies, but she wasn't 100%, her magic hadn't fully recovered.

Rose- *Thoughts* I still haven't recovered the magic they took from me. Before I get exhausted, I have to catch him.

She said, looking at a guy in armor and a red cape who was leaving the auditorium.

As she tries to approach him, more enemies surround her.

Rose- *Thoughts* Is this the end? No! Even if I die, they'll carry on without me. Just like me...

An image appears in her mind, a boy with a smile appears in her mind, she raises her sword and cuts the enemy in half.

Rose- *Thoughts* I'm continuing the legacy of your love for me.

At the same moment, more men advance against her. From the glass ceiling, a man in a skull mask falls next to the young woman, causing a large cloud of dust.

Spectre- You fought well Rose Oriana.

Shadow- But now it's time for us to take the lead in this dance.

The red and purple glow comes out of the men's eyes, as the dust settles the second floor of the auditorium is filled with members of the Shadow Garden, raising their swords the men say.

Spectre and Shadow- We are Shadow Garden.

All the shadows - We lurk in the darkness and hunt down from the shadows.

Advancing against their enemies, the massacre begins, the real Shadow Garden advance against their imposters, Rose sees this opportunity to evacuate the place. They both notice the men in armor retreating.

Spectre- Is he escaping?

Shadow- It seems so.

One of the impostors tries to hit Shadow who defends himself easily, then he eliminates his enemy with a cut to the chest.

Spectre- *Thoughts* Wait, is that the smell of gas?

Looking up, flames spread throughout the auditorium, preventing the students from escaping. From the roof Gamma observed the situation.

Gamma- They did this in their own territory? How daring.

Flames break out all over the school.

Gamma- What a disaster... 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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