Wishing Away Worries: Howard's Exhaustion

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It had been a few weeks since Chris' Regression back to childhood. Howard had done his best to keep up with the little toddler. It quickly became a routine of morning diaper changes, cleaning poopy pamps and keeping the little rugrat entertained. The old father had even quit his job to watch over the little baby.

Despite this, both guys got use to their new roles. Howard enjoyed watching his son be happy, he didn't even mind their house smelling like an infantile nursery or the stinky diapers his son would make. His only issue was the pain that came with his old age. He could no longer bend down as fast or chase after the toddler, he was far to old and tired. To make matters worse, it appeared that Chris no longer possessed any memory of his adult life prior to his regression. Although he demonstrated higher intelligence then the average baby, he showed zero signs that he remembered ever being more then the 2 year old pamps packer that he was now.

Despite these alarming situations, Howards biggest struggle remained his slow pace. Although, recent days had him feeling different, even better and more agile at times. One moment he would be in pain while picking up the young tot for a diaper change, then the next he would be feeling like he could do 20 squats.

As the days passed Howard felt less and less in pain while taking care of his baby Chris. He felt like he had more energy and could participate more in his young sons activities. Howard could swear that when he looked in the mirror his hair showed less grey and boy showed minimal age telling wrinkles. He looked younger. But it had to be in his head, his theories couldn't be true... could they?

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