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Neither of them noticed how many hours had passed, and they were both surprised to find themselves laughing as they spoke about pointless topics that had no real depth. Y/N had completely forgotten her suspicions of Jungkook being a hunter, and Jungkook almost didn't care that she was a vampire. They both were wondering how they were so captivated by each other. 

Every feeling Y/N was experiencing felt so foreign. She had never before wanted to waste so much time with someone. This was the first time she could feel some of her very tall walls come down. Jungkook hadn't ever let a girl affect him like this. His rule of never getting close to anyone didn't even matter. He just wanted her. Even though they still knew nothing about each other. It was like there was a spell over them.

"Boss, it's three am. We're going to start rounding up the blood bags and compelling the others." Her staff was speaking from across the club, so low that only a vampire could hear.

This snapped her out of the trance. She needed to make a decision about him. Was she going to make him a meal? Would she turn him to keep him for herself? Or should she hand him over as a blood bag and call him her best product?

She knew the answer was none of the above. She wanted more time. She wanted to figure him out first. She was going to do what she had never done before, and let him go. She knew she'd see him again, he would have to come back. 

"Ian..." she still didn't believe this to be his name, "The club is going to close soon and there are some owner things I need to take care of. I'm afraid our time has to end." She was a bit annoyed at the disappointment in her own voice.

"Can I see you again?" He wanted to spend as much time with the captivating woman before he needed to do his job. He knew she would have to be killed eventually, but until then, he would enjoy her company. 

"Of course you can. You can come to the club anytime. But we're closed on Wednesdays. My staff needs a break sometime." But they weren't getting a break at all. Wednesday was the night they finished their work by shipping off the blood bags. 

Jungkook was able to piece that information together quickly. He decided that even though he wanted this woman around, they would need to make a move soon before they changed their pattern or location again. He knew they would need to stop them this week. 

But he would come to see her every night until then.

"So she just openly told you she was the Blood Siren?" Suga was in complete disbelief.

Jin laughed, "We knew she had a thing for you, but we didn't expect her to like you enough to give you all the information we need."

"I don't think it was like that at all." Although he hoped it was, "She was testing me. I'm sure she suspects I'm a hunter. She was looking to see if I recognized the name. I think I played dumb enough."

"You're still alive, so my guess is you did." JHope added.

"I'm still just shocked. She never gives her identity away. The man who trained me to be a hunter dedicated his life to finding her. She killed all of his sons, turning the last into a vampire for herself. When she found out their father was a hunter she tormented him by slaughtering his wife and daughters. She's an absolute monster and he could never find her. We have to take her down." Suga slammed his fist on the table.

"And we will. Good job, Kook. This is the exact information we needed." RM started making plans for them to intercept their shipment on Wednesday. 

But all Jungkook could think of was her, and he didn't pay attention to RM at all. He was looking forward to seeing her again tonight at the club. He told the guys already he would be going every night, trying to get more information. They all believed that was the only reason he was going. 

Blood Bags (Jungkook x reader) COMPLETEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum