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I feel like I didn't get enough sleep, but when don't I feel like that? I was really looking forward for my day off... but since I took care of some extra things yesterday, I'll be able to go home early. Imagine that, me going home early. I was a little surprised to see that I didn't have any messages or emails on my phone when I woke up, especially because—oh shit! I woke up two hours late? How does that even happen? How did I mess up my alarm that bad? I don't even want to know what my boss is going to think. There goes to my opportunity to get to go home early.

I had never gotten ready for work quicker than I did this morning in a very long time, and it definitely did not feel good. Though, when I walked through those doors and sneaked into my office, nothing seemed to happen. Nobody was waiting by my office or inside it... and I still don't have any new emails. Oh hell, I hope it isn't because of the worst, but I don't think they would fire me so quick, especially with me kind of kissing my boss's ass yesterday.

Having done a few things yesterday was actually a lot better than I thought, since I was able to keep up with my work for the day, and wasn't rushing too much. However, the few times where my mind needed a break from looking at the computer continuously, and my eyes wandered, I realized that something that I usually kept next to my keyboard wasn't there. I didn't get any coffee today. Well, I know the breakroom has some... but my thoughts shifted elsewhere.

Because I woke up late, I didn't even have the chance to reconsider going back to the coffee shop this morning. I will admit, compared to what I'm used to, that was pretty good coffee. It... doesn't matter, I'm in my desk now, and I'm sure they close way before I get off. God, I don't even know why I'm thinking about it. Well—I do, but I don't necessarily like it.

I shook my head and returned back to my work. As much as I want to hurry and get these things done, my mind is so numb from working so much that I know this process won't bother me in a little bit. I'll just watch the hours go by until I have overstayed my personal welcome. I was able to get back into the flow after a few minutes, and it was so nice to see everything all empty and clean on my assigned documents tab. Though, it didn't take too long for me feel a headache going on, probably from staring at my screen for so long. I just need to get out of here.

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