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It's probably stupid... no, this is stupid. But ever since Silver mentioned some type of event, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was it a farmer's market? A traditional event that happened around these parts? I don't know, but the drive was about forty-five minutes away. You'd really have to be dedicated to go to something that far, with no true will or intentions set in place.

However... I was aware that the last time I got out like this was... years ago. That thought alone made me uncomfortable. I try and tell myself that I am a functioning member of society but I'm not really living in society. Besides, a nice long drive... that sounds pleasant to me.

And it was. Yes, I committed to it. I took a picture of the poster near the cash register while they weren't looking, so finding the directions to the festival wasn't hard. From what was being advertised, I have a feeling it will be similar to a farmer's market, or a lot of small businesses will be there. I think it's nice that these events exist to help jumpstart businesses, but if the drive here was so far... will people drive far to get to the café?

Ugh, now I am thinking of the business aspect of it. That's all I do for work so it's natural, but I shouldn't care so much. It's not like considering it will benefit Silver in any way. Would... seeing me benefit him in any way?

Personally, I don't think he will expect me. I don't know how to feel about this myself, a part of me feels like I am following him. I don't want it to come off that way, but he's made me curious about how he's going to be doing stuff there. It'll be very difficult for me to excuse my presence here as anything else than that... I want to see him.

Oh hell, has it really gotten to that point?

The walk to the actual festival was a bit lengthy from the parking lot, and I was definitely feeling it. It's weird because there was that portion of time when I was walking everywhere because of the construction near my house. I want to say that it was about the same distance as what I am doing now, possibly even longer and scarier. Maybe if I slow down my pace I'll feel a bit better.

Hm, it didn't smell like a fair, or anything like that. It smelled local if that made any sense. The potent smell of flowers and fruit tree blossoms, then the scent of food, food actually cooked from scratch. I feel a little soulless coming here by myself, this seems like an occasion to be with someone else. I'll be fine.

I was strangely nervous, as I didn't want him to spot me. I didn't know what he would do, but I mainly didn't know how he would feel. I couldn't see any venue that looked similar to his work, however, so I believed that I was fine. The festival was outside, of course, and the weather was perfect for it. I walked down the rows of all of the stands set up, and some were pretty cute, I will admit.

I was right about there being a lot of small business owners, it wasn't hard to tell. There was a lot of pottery and niche hobbies being sold here, and that's what made it all interesting. Another thing that I saw a lot of was jewelry. It was easy to make, and cheap, so I understood why. Okay, I really need to stop analyzing everything.

This one shop caught my attention, though, primarily because of how her jewelry looked when she was wearing it. It didn't look common, and it just fit her style and mood quite well. If I am being honest... it did remind me of Silver. What didn't help was that I found a bracelet that was baby blue, or angel blue, as I like to call it. The same color as that one stone, angelite. Actually, I wonder if that is what this bracelet is made out of.

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