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He kept coming in about two to three hours after I would open. Well, I assume he comes every day, but I don't work every day, however, I always open. I rather just open the place up and stay the entire shift instead of just staying for like five hours and then leaving.

The only time I take those opportunities is when I am sick or hurt from... whatever. Luckily, that hasn't happened in a long time. But I think he has been catching onto my schedule, as I have been noticing that he comes in earlier some days. But whenever he does, he looks like he is walking into a room that has shattered glass all over the floor.

It's a little silly to notice, but he probably does it because when it's very early, not a lot of people stick around, let alone are ordering. But he goes to the same table with his computer, and sits there until it starts to dim outside. I personally wouldn't be able to sit in one place for that many hours straight, but I assume that he does it for work.

A lot of people come here in his exact situation. With some thick notebook or computer and choose a table and I don't see them leave until a few hours later. I am glad that people find this place a comfortable and non-distracting place to get their things done. But for some reason, it's different with him here. I don't know if it's because he's in the corner or something, but it's so hard not to notice him at all.

I always look up at my customers anyway, it has become subconscious. Some people are too shy to come up to the counter or to call, so by making eye contact, that is a way to get my attention. It's also good to know how many people are in the café, so then I know when to quickly wipe down stuff and take the dishes. I have been trying to make sure my gaze avoids his direction, and it's one of the first times that I am fully conscious of my work the entire shift. Maybe that's why it's so weird whenever he's here.

I shouldn't care, but every time I make eye contact with him, it feels like my body drops three feet. I really don't know what to do with him. Does he really scare me? Or is it something else?

"Hey, Silver? Can I talk to you about something?"

Oh, I haven't been happier that Blaze grabbed my attention. But her wording kind of scared me. However, it wasn't anything serious. While I was busy, apparently someone approached her giving her a flyer. It was about an event that was going to be holding a bunch of venues and stalls. They asked us if we would be interested in coming, since it's getting colder and some hot drinks would be preferred at the event.

It actually seemed pretty fun, but she was looking at me as if I wanted to be there. It shouldn't be too much different from what we do here, right? Just might be from a booth or something... and maybe we will be able to get out every now and then to look around with what was going on.

So, I accepted. It wouldn't hurt to close the shop for a day, or maybe we can find someone to fill in for us. We aren't the only ones who work here, but hell, it sure feels like it.

She gave me the date, and frowned in disapproval that she wasn't notified of this event sooner, because it was two weeks from now. She complained that we might not get a spot because all of the other businesses would've bought them out already. A part of me wished that happened... but I really think it would be a good idea to try and invest and get ready for this.

We had never done something like this before, and I want to treat it as me and Blaze hanging out. We haven't been able to hang out outside of work in a few months... I have been too tired or she had been busy with other things. I have been trying to look at the silver lining with things, too.

I am sure we will talk about it later, but Shadow immediately came to mind. I should probably let him know about this... Not exactly... that he should come, but moreso he doesn't expect me here when I am not. I can't help but care about someone's acknowledgement of things, even if he could still be considered a stranger. I have a horrible habit of that.

But, it's not confirmed yet, so telling him after today might not be the best. Or, should I just be confident and be the one who makes sure that we get there? I am not the manager of this place, but in any way that he could get more money, I'm sure he wouldn't be against it. I hate initiating things, but I also dislike how much I embarrass myself by not being assertive. I'll have to beg Blaze to come, or else, yes, I won't be doing it.

That was a good distraction for a few minutes, but now I am back to working. Good thing we are going to close in a couple of hours. I will hold off talking to him about it, or maybe I can convince myself not to mention it at all. I never had the intention of... interacting with him willingly, and yet, I keep doing it. He was the one that approached me in the first place, I am still a little confused on why I am entertaining this.

Nothing bad has happened yet, so maybe that's why. And perhaps this is a good thing. My life has been linear for too long. I hope so, anyway.

( will grammar check and stuff later )

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