Chapter 5

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I was just getting back into my book when my door burst open again, immediately inspiring deadly annoyance within me as I looked up to see who the intruder was this time. Clavis, with Ivetta. He was practically dragging her along, his arm linked through hers. Her expression did not match his laughing golden eyes and sly grin. In fact, she was struggling to hide her irritation.

"Chev, I found this little dove fluttering around in your office and thought I should return her to you," he said with glee.

She quickly pulled free from him, stepping back several paces to put distance between them.

"Thank you for the escort, Prince Clavis," she said, her words polite but her voice cool.

"You'll be pleased to know that she didn't read that letter, Chev. She's honest to a fault." Clavis' golden eyes sparkled as he grinned at her.

I was not in the mood to put up with his harassment this afternoon. Not after that exchange with Leon, and my frustrating conversation with Jin, and Clavis' teasing all morning.

"If you don't have anything of substance to say, leave," I said sharply.

"Aw, don't be like that, Chev. After I've been such a kind brother, returning your new little pet," he said, smirking.

She blushed, her green eyes flashing angrily. "Prince Clavis-"

"Get out," I snapped, cutting her off.

Clavis sighed dramatically. "I guess we'll have to continue our little chat later, Ivetta. You get off work at five o'clock, right?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then it's a date!"

He left before she could protest further. She stared at the closed door, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Her ever changing expressions were, as Clavis would say, very entertaining. Only a few minutes ago, she'd been a frightened little creature, ready to bolt at the sight of Leon, and yet now, she looked like she could slap Clavis if he walked back through that door.

I wasn't going to be able to read for a little while. If she were my new pet, I may as well play with her. I could use a distraction right now.

"You seem to enjoy being tormented," I commented.

She frowned and looked back at me. "Not particularly, your highness." She sighed, regathering her composure. "Oh," she said suddenly, reaching into her apron pocket. "Prince Clavis was already in your office, so I didn't need to use the key. Here."

The hand that offered me the key was much smaller than mine, but much more calloused and rough. It made for an interesting contrast. I took the key thoughtfully.

"It's just as well. I shouldn't have entrusted this to a simple maid," I said, twirling the key between my fingers mockingly. "Especially not one who frequents the red-light district."

I'd struck a nerve. Her blush deepened and spread to her ears, her green eyes widened with shock, and her hands even started trembling. This was unexpected. I'd thought my comment would irritate her, but this was far more than simple irritation. Anger, embarrassment, hurt, humiliation, fear - the complex jumble of emotions made it hard to single one out from the rest. She was struggling to maintain the slightest degree of control.

"I pass through the red-light district regularly, yes, but I do not 'frequent' it in the sense you're using, your highness," she finally said firmly. "And if that means you don't trust me, then that's your own business, but I'll ask you not to put me in situations where you can then call my character into question."

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