Chapter 31

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I returned to the ballroom, announced by the guards as if this was my first appearance of the evening, as if their words were necessary to draw the eyes of all in attendance to me as I strode purposefully into the room. I ignored the guards and the usual stares, scanning the crowd for those of true importance. It wouldn't be long before the crowd would begin to thin as the late evening hours bled into the early hours of morning. All my brothers were still present, as were the foreign princes. Jin, Clavis, and Nokto had the good sense not to make eye contact with me. Gilbert was already approaching, a glass of champagne in hand and a deceptively charming smile on his face.

"Ah, Chevalier, you're back," he greeted me. "You left in such a hurry. Is everything okay?"

"Yes," I said coolly.

It didn't surprise me that he'd seen my impromptu exit. He'd undoubtedly seen Ivetta fleeing the ballroom ahead of me as well. That whole event would only add fuel to any ideas he may have regarding her. But it would also emphasize how far I would go to keep her safe. If he had a modicum of sense, he would tread lightly.

"Have you tired of dancing?" I asked. He'd seemed to be enjoying himself on the dance floor earlier, although his partners had all seemed less than enthusiastic or downright terrified.

"For now. Dancing is just part of the fun at a ball. I've noticed you haven't ventured onto the floor with a young lady."

"Chevalier doesn't dance," Leon said, joining us. "You should be honored, actually. He usually takes off as soon as the music starts. He's only staying to humor our special guests."

"Is that so? Then you've never known the pleasure of holding a woman in your arms as you dance," Gilbert said, his blood red eye gleaming.

Less than fifteen minutes ago, I'd known the pleasure of holding Ivetta in my arms. That was more than sufficient for me. Although I wouldn't mind dancing with her.

"I leave such pointless endeavors to those who enjoy them," I said dismissively.

Leon laughed. "Like Nokto. Look at him go. He's probably danced with every attractive woman by now."

"With one small break," Gilbert noted.

I didn't respond to that, and he didn't bring it up again until the next time we were alone.

"How is our little dove?" he asked. "I haven't seen her around since that trouble with your brothers."

Our little dove. He knew her nickname, and he had the gall to not only use it in front of me, but claim a measure of possession as well. And this was his most direct statement about her yet.

"I gave her alternate orders. The festive atmosphere seems to have gone to my brothers' heads."

"Oh, good. I'd hate to think something had upset her. She's such a delicate little thing," Gilbert replied.

"The way you talk, I'd think you'd never seen a maid before tonight," I commented. "But then, I suppose you don't have to pay slaves."

He chuckled. "True, but there is something deliciously appealing about a woman who waits on you hand and foot by choice. Don't you agree?"

"I wouldn't know."

"Really? That's unfortunate. And here I thought Ivetta liked working for you."

Her name didn't sound right on his lips, but I chuckled derisively. "Whatever gave you that impression?"

"I hear things," he said casually.

"You should check your sources."

"I always do. Approaching the subject directly generally gives the best results."

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