Chapter 79

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The knock at the door woke me up. I automatically pulled Ivetta closer and rolled onto my back, reaching over to my sword before I was fully aware of what I was doing. Ivetta nuzzled into my shirt, and I lay still, listening, my fingers wrapped tightly around the leather hilt as I waited. Nobody was trying the door. Everything was still and silent. Had I imagined the sound? Or was it...Theresa, here to help Ivetta. Of course. Ivetta was making breakfast this morning, and she needed to get up early for that.

The knock came again, quiet and tentative, as if it was meant to be heard by somebody who was already awake. It was Theresa. I released my sword and brushed Ivetta's silky black hair back from her face. She was very much still asleep, and she showed no signs of waking up. I didn't really want to wake her, either. She was warm and soft, using my chest as a pillow, and I just wanted to hold her close and go back to sleep.

"Ivetta," I said reluctantly.

She stirred, sighing softly as she curled her fingers into my shirt.

"Ivetta, wake up."

"I don't want to," she mumbled.

I chuckled and gently pried her fingers from my shirt. "You're the one who promised to make breakfast this morning."

She sighed and pulled away from me, leaving me suddenly cold without her warmth. "Why did I do that again?" she asked, rolling onto her back and rubbing her eyes.

"Because you're too nice," I replied, moving closer to give her a kiss. I hooked one hand around her waist and tugged her toward me again.

"And because you didn't come to my rescue," she accused teasingly, smiling up at me as she brushed my hair back from my face. "You wanted pancakes again."

I didn't want or care about pancakes now. She was soft and sweet, her full pink lips begging to be kissed, and I was about to oblige her when there was another knock at the door. I sighed, frustrated, and flopped back down onto my side of the bed, hugging the blankets tightly around me.

"That's the third time Theresa has knocked."

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Ivetta gasped, jumping out of bed and racing to the door.

"I tried," I muttered, pulling the blanket up over my head. Although, admittedly, I didn't try very hard.

The latch clicked as Ivetta opened the door.

"Theresa, I'm so sorry. I'll be just a minute!" Ivetta apologized.

Theresa snorted, the sound somewhat muted. Ivetta must have only cracked the door.

"Yeah, right. So I'm just supposed to stand out here waiting?" Theresa asked.

There was a short pause, and then Ivetta said, "Okay, come in, but be quiet."

Footsteps entered the room, not the soft padding of Ivetta's bare feet, but the sound of shoes on the hardwood floor. The door closed.

"Is he asleep?" Theresa whispered.

"No," I grumbled.

"Good morning, King Chevalier," she said cheerily - and loudly.

I heard a smacking sound, and I smirked, knowing Ivetta had just hit Theresa's shoulder like she did to me when I teased her too much.

"He's trying to get back to sleep. Pick an outfit and meet me in the bathroom. Quietly!" Ivetta hissed.

"Wait. You're not actually planning on wearing one of your fancy gowns while you're cooking, are you?" Theresa asked, dropping her voice to a whisper.

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