Chapter 6

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It was her humming that woke me again the next morning, even though I hadn't told her to come. She was quick to pick up on my preferences. I was more than a little relieved to know that she wasn't alone in the library, and maybe I enjoyed listening to her a bit more than I cared to admit. I lay still until the humming stopped at nine o'clock when she called her cheerful greeting, and then she left for my breakfast.

I could get used to this.

She had set the desk with breakfast when I emerged from the bathroom, but unlike the past couple of days, she met my eyes and ventured a question.

"Do you have anything you need me to do after this, your highness?"

"Do you really enjoy being tormented so much?" I asked, studying her. "Or perhaps you're hoping to get out of something Noisy has lined up for you?"

Her face said it all, but she still tried to hide it. "Just trying to be helpful, your highness."

I allowed a hint of a smile to show. My office could use some tidying up, and she'd be relatively safe from Clavis' schemes where I could keep an eye on her.

"In that case, there is something you can do for me - when you're done with Noisy's chore. I'll be in my office."

"Yes, your highness."

She finished in the bathroom at the same time I finished breakfast, and I only needed a single glance to see that she had another question. I stopped, waiting, but she said nothing.

"Ask your question," I prompted, mildly annoyed. This was probably regarding whatever Clavis had roped her into.

"Prince Chevalier, how do I get to Prince Nokto's room?"

I was careful not to allow anything to show on my face, but her words brought a sense of foreboding. "What business do you have with that Clown?"

"He asked me to clean his room, your highness," she said, collecting the dirty dishes.

She wasn't looking at me, and I found my eyes wandering freely across her for a moment. Her long black lashes hooding her bright green eyes, the sun reflecting off of her glossy black hair, her slender, shapely limbs, her gentle curves - she would be nothing more to Nokto than another notch on his bedpost. Maybe she'd be able to resist his seduction. Maybe - but maybe wasn't good enough. If she went in angry, she'd have a much better chance.

"Drinks with Number One and Noisy last night, a tryst with the Clown this morning. My, you are a busy little dove."

She sighed, irritated. "Please stop making such comments, Prince Chevalier."

I walked over to her and spun her to face me, catching her chin firmly so she couldn't look away. "You didn't manage Noisy too well, did you?" I asked, smirking down at her.

She pushed my hand away, the blush coming easily to her cheeks. "Prince Chevalier-"

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her up against me. A mistake. Her soft curves nearly erased all thought, but suddenly, it was even more important for her not to fall for Nokto.

"And you are foolish enough to think you can handle the Clown?"

Her green eyes flashed, and she pushed me away firmly. "Don't do that!" Her angry cheeks flushed even deeper.

I laughed scornfully and turned back to the door. "Three doors down on the left. Make sure you behave."

I didn't have to look back at her to know she was fuming. It was dangerous for me to look at her any longer. I'd never held a woman before, never even wanted to, and the feel of her against me still had my thoughts in chaos. At least she was angry enough to defend against Nokto's charms. At least she'd pushed me away when she did. Any longer, and I may not have been able to let her go.

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