Chapter 10

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"Good morning, Prince Chevalier," she called the next morning at nine o'clock, as usual. "It looks like the weather's going to be perfect for Rhodolite Foundation Day. Are you planning on attending the festivities?"

I pushed back the covers and stretched, watching her go to my bureau and start pulling clothes out of the drawers. This was new.

"Why would I do that?" I muttered sleepily.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe just to have some fun, your highness." She dropped the clothes on the bench at the foot of my bed as I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"You and I have very different views of fun, it seems," I said coolly.

"But of course. I'll be back with your breakfast, your highness."

I got out of bed, picking up the clothes on my way to the bathroom. She had found yet another way to improve her efficiency. And I didn't mind her chatter at all. If this was to be part of our routine, I approved.

She had set the desk with breakfast and was making the bed when I finished up in the bathroom. I went to the desk, and she went to the bathroom. An added benefit of this pattern was the limited amount of time we spent in the same room. It was much easier to handle her if I wasn't looking at her.

If I went to the festival today, she would be left alone here at the palace. Nokto never went. And he was far too interested in her for my liking.

"Are you going to the festival?" I asked when she emerged from the bathroom, turning in my chair to look at her.

"No, I'm not, your highness." She stood still for just a moment, gauging me. All she had left to do was collect the dishes in front of me, and she had no reason to trust me. That wariness would work in her favor to keep her safe, whether out on the streets or alone in the palace. Maybe I didn't have to worry about her so much.

"Because of your mother?"

"Partly," she said, walking over to me. "I could go after I get her settled, but festivals aren't much fun alone, and it's not really safe for me to wander around at night, anyway." Her green eyes were careful not to meet mine as she stacked the dirty dishes on the tray. "There will still be plenty to see on my walk home." She headed for the door with the tray, but when her hand touched the doorknob, she hesitated. There was something she wanted to ask. She was probably debating if she should do so now or later.

"Now would be better," I said, my curiosity piqued.

She sighed, and then she turned back to me. "Prince Chevalier, did you pay my mother's doctor's bill?"

"What reason would I have to do such a thing?" I scoffed. The weekly doctor's visit must have been last night. I should have known it would do no good to advise the doctor to keep my name out of it. She was too clever. And I saw the confirmation on her face. She hadn't known for sure before, but now she did.

"I couldn't presume to say, your highness, but thank you," she said genuinely. "And please, don't do that again," she added quietly. She opened the door and left.

I had no intention of doing it again, but her pride was another interesting facet of her personality. Whatever she had, she worked for it, and she didn't want any charity. A respectable, but potentially foolish, aspect of her. If I hadn't paid that bill, she would have been in debt for the rest of her life. Depending upon how long her mother continued to cling to life, she may still end up with that fate.

She hadn't made it far down the hallway when I left my room, and Leon was coming from the opposite direction.

"Hey, Ivetta!" he called cheerfully and with irritating familiarity. She stopped and turned around, her eyes meeting his, and he broke out into an easy smile.

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