Chapter 83

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The gala ended, the guests left, Lord Harrison was stripped of his lands and title, and life settled back into normality. Normal for me was busy. Delegating to my brothers and Sariel was a necessity. None of the aged court ministers had died yet, although the month without Sariel after my honeymoon had forced them to deal with me in person, and they were sufficiently cowed into submission now. That wasn't enough. They were still largely useless to me, and I needed them to start dying so I could appoint new court ministers who would be effective in their role.

One month before Belle's wedding, I got my wish.

"These are the most likely candidates," Sariel said, handing me several folders of documents in his office. "There is only one vacancy, of course, but it may be worthwhile to hold on to the rejects for consideration when another seat opens up."

"You have investigated them thoroughly, I assume," I said, opening the first folder and skimming its contents.

"Yes, but Prince Nokto is prepared to conduct his own investigation should you so desire," Sariel replied, tapping his fingers on the arms of his chair.

"He and Luke are leaving for Benitoite tomorrow. I'll have him start, but I will have to complete the investigation myself, since Clavis is also away on business," I decided, closing the folder and setting the stack aside. "You have something else."

"Yes, I do," Sariel nodded. "You have been king for over a year, and you have yet to visit Obsidian, Benitoite, and Jade. There is increasing pressure from those countries to schedule dates for you and the queen to travel. Obsidian, in particular, is becoming quite demanding, as you are the last of its surrounding nations to recognize Gilbert's ascendance to the throne in person." He paused, and then he asked, "If I may be so bold, why are you delaying?"

The simple answer was Ivetta. She hadn't suffered another emotional breakdown yet, and I felt ill-prepared to deal with her here at the palace if it happened again, let alone in a foreign country with nothing familiar to comfort her. That, and she had missed her monthly cycle. She assured me that it was too early to jump to conclusions, as she had a tendency to miss a month every so often, but I certainly didn't want her traveling if there was a chance she could be pregnant. My fears concerning how she would physically handle such a challenge couldn't and wouldn't be eased until and unless she had a healthy pregnancy with a normal delivery.

I wasn't about to tell Sariel any of that.

"I will discuss it with Ivetta and revisit the matter with you tomorrow," I said, ignoring his question. "If that will be all, send Nokto in when you leave."

He nodded and stood. "I may have more for you after I stop by Leon's office, since he is in Freedom for a few days." He pursed his lips, as if he'd tasted something sour. "If I can even get the door open," he muttered as he left.

Without Leon here to keep his faction in line, his office was likely messier than usual, and it wouldn't surprise me if Sariel found Jin, Yves, and Licht ignoring their work in favor of drinking and eating.

Nokto swaggered in and dropped into the chair Sariel had just vacated. "Sariel said you have some work for me."

I handed him the folders. "A court minister has died, and these are the candidates Sariel has selected. I want you to investigate them."

"You do realize I'm leaving for Benitoite tomorrow to secure a trade deal, right?" he asked, flipping through the folders.

"I'll finish whatever you don't."

He sighed. "Well, it could be worse. Jin invited me to the party next door, but I'll have plenty of that when I get to Benitoite." He smirked and glanced up at me. "I take it Theresa must be gone. Is Ivetta with her?"

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