Chapter 52

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"I haven't seen you in a while," Leon said with his usual friendly grin. "Guess I don't need to ask how you're doing."

"This had better not be a social call," I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. If I were to really have an uninterrupted day off with Ivetta, we were going to have to leave the palace completely, after I cleared our schedules with Sariel so he wouldn't come looking for us.

Leon chuckled. "No, 'fraid not. How'd the meeting with Obsidian go?"

"Fine. Get to the point."

"Alright, alright. There have been some incidents with ex-slaves near the border. Seems Obsidian hired them to fight against us, but now that we're not going to war, they've been discarded again. Yesterday, they raided a village."

I sighed. Slavery was illegal in Rhodolite, but Obsidian thrived on the practice. Escaped slaves lived in the uninhabitable wilderness of southeastern Obsidian, usually keeping to themselves, but always available for hire to anybody for the right price.

And, unfortunately, this was a matter of great importance that couldn't wait just because I wanted some time with Ivetta.

"You know what I recommend," I said coolly.

"Yeah, I know. And I'd like to try something different. They just want a place to live, a steady income, food on the table, y'know? Remember Jack's girls?"

I frowned. "Yes."

Leon had brought me to the safe house where they were staying once. Most of them were teenagers. All of them were frightened, but not because of my status or my reputation. I was a stranger and a man, and I was not to be trusted.

Ivetta was almost one of them.

"I had to move them to another town for them to have a chance, but they're actually doing really well now. The older ones have even started venturing out and learning trades. People just think they're a bunch of orphaned sisters. It got me thinking, why can't we do something like that for the ex-slaves? Give them their own place, a fresh start, somewhere they can make a living?"

His amber eyes were alight with passion as he spoke. I could tell he'd given this a lot of thought, but I was skeptical.

"They're not victimized girls. Many of them are mercenaries for hire, without a shred of loyalty," I reminded him.

He shook his head. "That's where you're wrong. They're very loyal - to each other. And they're just doing what they have to do so they can survive. There's a place up north in the foothills that's uninhabited because the ground is so rocky, but the soil is fertile, and there's plenty of space. A little hard work, and it could be a very productive little area. I'd like to offer it to them. They can build a town and become honorable members of Rhodolite. What do you think?"

I frowned. It was a grand idea, with significant risk attached. "And why should they believe your offer is genuine?"

His smile faltered. "Yeah, about that. Follow me."

I did so, glancing at the windows down to the gardens as he led me back to my private library. This was taking much longer than I would have liked.

"What is it?" I asked testily as I closed the door behind us.

"I've got a secret that only Belle knows," he started. "And you won't like it. But it will get the ex-slaves to believe me."

"Go on," I prompted, my interest piqued.

"I'm not Leon Dompteur."

That was unexpected. I narrowed my eyes as I studied him. "What do you mean?"

A Beast's TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz