Chapter 28

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"Did you miss me?" Clavis asked later, bursting into my office the same way he'd burst into my room earlier to steal Ivetta.

For the head maid, I reminded myself. I glanced up at him, but otherwise said nothing.

"So, what do you think of the new Belle?"

"What I think is inconsequential, so long as she does her job appropriately," I answered.

"She's cute," he continued. "Cute like a little bunny rabbit. It's going to be hard to keep an eye on our little dove and our new little rabbit during the goodwill gala, but if we don't, they're likely to get eaten up by our special guests." He flopped down in a chair, not even bothering to pick up any paperwork from my desk. "Did you know she's only eighteen? Ivetta, that is. Belle's twenty-two."

I looked up at him again, irritated. Ivetta's age was not common knowledge. As far as I knew, Leon and I were the only people in the palace who she'd entrusted with that information.

"What does that matter?"

Clavis shrugged. "I bet she's a virgin. Ivetta."

Of course, Nokto would choose to walk in at just that moment.

"I suspected as much," he said, his crimson eyes glittering.

"It's just a guess," Clavis said dismissively. "But she's only eighteen."

"Really? She acts much older," Nokto mused.

Clavis sighed. "Can't you just picture her in a ballgown tomorrow night?"

"Do you intend to work today, or will you just be daydreaming?" I asked sharply, choosing to focus on my anger instead of that image.

He looked back at me with a grin. "A little bit of both, I hope. But I do have news." His smile faded, and his golden eyes became sharp and serious. "The informant is one of the cooks. No ties to Obsidian, but he used to work for Baron Flandre. And he's a member of the anti-war faction."

"Odd that you should mention Baron Flandre," Nokto said casually, although his eyes were now completely focused and serious. "I just found out that he, too, is a member of the anti-war faction."

"I see." I sat back in my chair, considering this information. "Baron Flandre will be at the ball. We'll keep an eye on the informant for now. He may be more valuable to us if he thinks his cover is intact."

Clavis nodded. "I agree. My bet is that he'll try to make contact with Baron Flandre as soon as possible. I'll keep an eye on them."

"That may be too much, with the foreign princes around. You get the cook, I'll get Baron Flandre," Nokto said.

"Leon and I will be handling Gilbert. Silvio and Keith don't pose too much of a threat right now, but I'll have Luke watch them," I continued. "After the goodwill gala, we'll move on the informant."

I could have easily stayed in my office all day, with all the preparations that had to be made, but I went to the library at two thirty as usual. Ivetta and Belle were kneeling on the floor, talking as Ivetta worked, and Ivetta stood up immediately when she saw me and held out a hand to help Belle up. I let myself into my library and took my seat, smiling to myself. It would be good for Ivetta to have some female companionship. She had a friend among the maids, Theresa, but they didn't cross paths very often, and I knew she had no time for friends outside of work. And, as friendly as she and I had become, as much as I enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her, I should not be her only confidante. Maybe it would be easier for me if that changed.

Belle was not long in following me into the back room, though she was clearly intimidated by me. We'd had very little interaction over breakfast. Socializing was not my strong point, and she'd been too overwhelmed to do much talking.

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