Chapter 70

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We had a late night. It was well past midnight when Ivetta fell asleep. I lay still for a few minutes, listening to her slow, steady breathing, before I carefully eased out of her arms. Our carriage, along with several more bearing servants, would arrive in the morning. I pulled the drapes closed, shut and locked the door, and returned to bed. Ivetta's long black hair was spread across the pillow around her peaceful, heart-shaped face; her long black lashes rested lightly on her cheeks; her full lips were slightly parted.


She stirred slightly as I slid back into bed, her fingers curling into the pillow. I brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her forehead.


Her eyes didn't open, and she didn't say anything beyond the soft sigh that held my name. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. She automatically reached a slender arm across to my shoulder as she nuzzled into my chest. I closed my eyes and let the sound of her breathing guide me into a deep sleep.

The clip-clop of horses' hooves on cobblestone woke me before her the next morning. I opened my eyes and listened - the creak of carriage wheels, muted voices outside. The servants had arrived. Sunlight peeked around the edges of the drapes, signifying morning's arrival, but Ivetta showed no signs of waking. I closed my eyes again and nuzzled into her hair. It wouldn't hurt anything to leave midday instead of mid-morning.

It was noon the next time I woke, fully rested and ready to get out of bed. Ivetta was still asleep. I rolled on my back and stretched. Much as I hated to wake her, we did need to get back to the palace. I had no illusions that my faction accomplished anything while I was gone. Leon's may have, or my seven brothers may have decided to take the week off in my absence and drain the palace's liquor stores. I rolled onto my side, propping myself on an elbow as I looked down at Ivetta's sleeping face.

Maybe last night had been a bit much for her.



She shifted slightly, her eyes squeezing more tightly shut.

"Ivetta, wake up."

She shook her head. "Just a few more minutes..."

Is this what I was like when she tried to wake me? Probably not. Nobody would ever call me adorable unless she was involved.

"The carriage is here, Ivetta."

She finally opened her sleepy green eyes and looked up at me. "Already?"

I chuckled and brushed the hair back from her face. "It's noon."

"Well, that explains it," she muttered, burying her face in the pillow.

"You don't usually sleep in," I agreed, brushing her hair to one side and kissing her bare shoulder.

She sighed and rolled over to face me. "You don't normally wake up before me."

"I'm more used to staying up late," I replied, twirling a lock of her hair around my fingers. "You don't have to worry about making our meal today. The servants are back."

"Oh, good, so they can have a good laugh about the mess we made," she said sarcastically, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "And I guess that means somebody can help me get into that ridiculous dress."

She moved toward the edge of the bed, away from me, and I sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.


I rested my cheek against her bare back and squeezed her softly. Nobody was coming into our room until after we left. I wanted as much time alone with her as possible.

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