Ready for the adventure

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Y/N's pov:
I'm in my bed thinking of the futur, I still have this feeling, I'm attracted to the waters.
It's been like 2 months since my mom passed away.
I feel like I need to change the air, need to get of this boat where I have to many memories.
I can't. I need to go NOW! Tonight IS the night.
But f*ck how am I supposed to leave ? I start to think about my options, maybe I can swim? Find a port?
OH LORD!! I have an idea! I just remember that every boat has a small boat on his side.
I get up, I put on my dress, my headband, my boots, my mom's ring, my little knife and take (steal) a gun and some bullets.
I'm leaving my room making little steps so I'm not waking up the whole crew! I eventually left them a note that said:

Dear friends,
Thank you for taking care of me during all those years, I will never forget you. It's time for me to go and get adventures on my own and learn more about the world.
Take care,

F*ucking floor who is literaly cracking under all my steps. But all those men and women are almost all deaf so, no chance that they heard me ! I'm passing by the kitchen for some food and water (AND rum) for my trip and right after I'm climbing the ladder to get upstairs where I can (normally if I remember) find a rope to go down to the little boat. I'm being careful that nobody stop me while I'm trying to find this rope because the captain who runs the rudder is kinda rude so he will definitely"punish" me by making me clean the boat or things like that !
Got it ! The rope! I'm leaning so I can see the little boat. I unhook the rope, I let myself slide on it and I'm finally on the little boat! Yo ho goodbye dear sailor !!!!

🎶yo ho, yo ho! The pirate's life for me !🎶

What seems like DAYS was only few hours, I row and row and row. I'm not feeling my arms anymore. But the trip worth it. I can see the sunrise who annonce a peaceful morning and far away I can see something that looks like a port.
I feel free, my chest heaves in the wind, the smell of the water wakes up something in me and I'm breathing the new air I needed, looking at the horizon. *crack* What the hell was that?
I bend down my head to the boat and sh*t, the hull is broken, water start to comes everywhere. Don't panick. DON'T PANICK! OF COURSE I'M PANICKING! It wasn't supposed to happen like that! The port is not very far now, maybe I can swim? MAYBE I CAN SWIM!
I put my bag on my head so my food won't be wet and start swimming I look back and see my boat sinking more and more in the ocean...

Pirate's life for me -volume 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang