Love and new horizons

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Y/N's pov:
We are getting closer and closer to the island. I just remember that we came with an another boat but we left him there. Sad, goodbye little boat!
Paula is still here, she's not very chatty like I was before so ...
Jack is not worried so neither I am.

Will's pov:
I'm in the forest of the island with Gibbs.
We are looking for some wood to make a fire. It's the only thing we find to pass our time while waiting for them.
But what if they never come back?
I can't wait anymore ! I need to see her, I miss her.
You know I followed her blindly the first day we met, I don't know I knew we were made for each other even if we started off on the wrong foot. I always loved her and I think she did too.
I feel a tear slide down my cheek and wipe it away so Gibbs doesn't see it.
I pick up few more branches on the floor and suddenly we hear all of our friends screaming of joy. It's them.
I drop all of my wood and start running through the trees, I just keep running and running.
And there I stopped, she was getting of the boat, looking everywhere around her and she stopped too, I think she saw me.

Y/N's pov:
We attached the Pearl to a tree, I'm getting of the boat, no time for Paula or Jack (I still love him!).
I'm looking for Will! Where is he?
I look around and suddenly I stop and there he was, right in front of me.
I run and he runs too, I jump into his arms and he picks me up and spins me in the air. He puts me on the sand, he grabs my head with his hand so I did it too.
And we end up kissing for long seconds. How much did I dream of this moment? It's a real fairytale!
I caress his cheek, how much I missed him, I feel like I'm gonna start crying.
I love him so much like I never did before. If someone told me HE was THE man, I wouldn't believe them, but here we are.
"I love you William Turner." He seems really surprised and happy at the same time.
"I love you too Y/N Williams." We kissed again and went back to the others.

Right after we put all of our stuff in the Black Pearl, Paula met the others she's still shy but less than earlier and Jack is our captain. I feel proud? Yeah ! I'm proud of him, no one could be a better captain than him!
We all get in and everyone went at his post but not me, I don't have one ! Thank you Jack!
So now I can make my little ritual, I'm leaning against the boat's barrier, breathing this air I like so much. I feel someone coming behind me, Will puts his hands on my hips and his head on my shoulder. He kisses my neck.
"So miss are you ready for new adventures?
-More than anything."
We stayed here, looking at the sea, on our way to new horizons.


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