Pirate song and camp fire

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Y/N's pov:
Gibbs lit a fire so we don't get cold.
All the pirates were sitting around the fire, were talking about pirate's things and other disgusting things about girls they have made some THINGS with (you know what I mean).
Meanwhile, Turner and I were pretty silent about what happened earlier. What if Jack hasn't interrupted us ? F*ck you Jack! (I still like you but F*CK!!).
Like I was getting bored I got an idea, what a better thing that a song around a fire camp?
I looked at Jack, I knew he would followed me: "Yo ho, yo ho! The pirate's life for me..."
He looks at me, good, he understands. We both smiled, we get up and continue the song. "We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot, drink up me 'earties, yo ho!"
The other pirates also started to got up and to sing too. "We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot, drink up me 'earties, yo ho!".
Turner was still sitting so I grab his hands so he can sings with us "Noooo I don't even know the song!!
- Just follow me!"
We start dancing, jumping, arm in arm like all the others.
"Yo ho, yo ho ! The pirate's life for me!"
It was the greatest night we had since the beginning. After that we were all around the fire, drinking and laughing together.
At a moment we all fall asleep on the sand so we could get back on the round tomorrow.

Pirate's life for me -volume 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora