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We are now on our way to find Barbossa and the Pearl. The sun just rise, we sailed all night.
The plan is the next: arriving to the Isla de la muerta where Barbossa and his crew are, killing him, taking the Black Pearl and getting back to the others.
Yeah, you are gonna think that's to easy. We know. We are gonna take the risk.
We are both silent like usual but we are still in a comfortable atmosphere, so.
I'm playing with my ring while Jack is driving, how much I miss my mom.
"Is this ring important for you? Jack asked me.
"Yep, it was my mom's.
-Oh... Tell me about her if you want.
- Yeah, we are getting bored anyway so."
He looks at me tenderly to make me feel like I can told him everything.
"Her name was Lizzie Williams." He stopped immediately what he was doing.
" LIZZIE WILLIAMS ? I knew her in the past!
- WHAT?! You knew my mom?
- Yes ma'am. We were... close? We had some kind of adventure.
-EW! Don't tell me more! I don't wanna know!
-Ok ok !!
-Anyway, she was incredible like the best mom. She was a sunshine and she was making me laugh like no other!
- It look like she was a very good mom.
- Yes she was. I'm smiling while remembering of all of our best moments.
-How did she died?
-Oh... Uhm... She got sick and died a week later... Tears starts to came out.

Jack's pov:
I see that she was gonna start crying. For once I've decided to put my pride on the side.
"Come here kiddo." I opened my arms, she got up and run into them. It feels good actually. This is not the first time but I don't know, with her it's different, I will protect her at all costs like I've never did before. She's my best friend? Weird I know, she's young and I'm an old pirate but it is like it is!

Y/N's pov:
I let go of his arms. "Thank you.
-You welcome kid."
I see Jack's face crumble. I turn around and see a very dark isle.
The Isla de la muerta was right in front of us.

Pirate's life for me -volume 1Where stories live. Discover now