Scary stories and rum

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Y/N's pov:
It must gonna take us the day to go back where they all are. I can't believe it was that easy to kill Barbossa and get The Black Pearl back. I believe in a lucky star. Maybe my mom was watching me where she was?
I decided to visit it. It's kinda old and rotten but still a beautiful boat. I feel safe here, it will be so cool to sail the waters for our future adventures.
As we go straight ahead, Jack decided to let go of the rudder. We sat on the floor and as I found an old bottle of rum downstairs, we drank it.
We decided to talk about scary stories and legend we knew. Jack told me about one that scare the sh*t out of me.
"I've you already heard about the famous Davy Jones?
-Yeah probably when I was a kid, why?
-Do you know that I knew him?
-You know everybody!
-True. I used to deal with him but this guy was crazy, believe me.
He's the captain of the Flying Dutchman and it comes with a sort of deal, as long as he is the captain he is immortal. There is a legend about the fact that he keeps his heart in a safe! Crazy right?
We were about to get up when suddenly we heard a crack coming from downstairs. Jack and I looked at each other.
"Did you hear that?
We took our sword and decided to see what was going on. I'm pretty sure it's an animal or something but it's still scary especially since we were talking about creepy things just before.
"You go first! I told Jack.
-No! YOU go first.
-Such a little girl! Alright!!"
We enter the room, I looked everywhere and I saw a shadow. What the hell ?
"Who the f*ck are you? Get out of here!"
Suddenly someone gets up, it was a woman a little older than me who kinda looks in distressed.
I put my sword in front of me, pointing at her: "Who are you?"
She was shacking like a little lost girl she starts to talk. "I'm... I'm Paula!"
I don't why I have a feeling, I don't feel her. I don't trust her even if for the moment she's a poor lady in distress, I don't know...
After all, what would she do? I'm a little bit to paranoid.
We lead Paula upstairs, I put a blanket on her, she must be cold and Jack take back the rudder.
We stay silent, no choice to take her with us! We are not gonna trough her in the water, do you imagine?
After a long road, I can finally see not far, the island where we let them. I feel really relief and happy right now! Finally I'm getting back to Will!

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