The plan.

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Y/N's pov:

We are on our way to get back to the others. I still can't believe I'm walking beside him right now. I've passed by all the emotions today ! I don't want to live that ever again... I wish I could tell him right now that I love him so much but I don't know, it will be weird I guess?
At my biggest surprise, when we came back to the group's spot, Sir Captain Jack Sparrow hugged me ! It was kinda comfortable actually. "Don't get used to it." he said. He wants to play the tough guy but inside he's a big teddy bear, I know it ! Anyway.

Like everyone were tired of our rough day, we decided to discuss about our REAL plan, tomorrow. So they all fell asleep, except me.
Their plan doesn't suit me. I want to take my revenge, I want to see him being hurt like he hurt me and my friends. And I want it NOW.
I'm on my way to the boat, I don't even know where I will go but I will find.
But first I need to say a little goodbye. I'm approaching Will's face, caress his hair, kiss his forehead and finally say "I love you Will Turner" very quietly so he doesn't hear.
I'm walking to the boat and... "Where do you think you're going young lady?" it was Jack.
"I'm on my way to kill Barbossa and get your boat.
-Without me ? How dare you?" he acts like he's chocked and make me laugh.
"I don't want anyone to be hurt again.
-Oh ! Turner right? I nod my head.
And do you even know how to control a boat?
- Yeah kinda, I've learned when I was a kid.
- I can't let you go all alone kid. Even if it will be my pleasure to have my dear Black Pearl back thanks to you, I can't let you risk your life. Not without me! So.. I'm coming with you .
I tried to open my mouth to contest but..
Uh uh ! No choice.
- Alright! You win.
-Fine so let's not make any noise so we don't woke up the whole crew!".

So we enter into the sea to put our future plan into action.

Pirate's life for me -volume 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora