Sword fight

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Y/N's pov:
It's been a week that we get to know Jack's friends. They are nice, weird but nice! It's a pirate thing I guess? No one told me where we were going but they seems to know where THEY are going so...
I'm a little scared actually, it's not what I was meaning by adventure. Like I didn't expect having to find The Black Pearl or a bad man like Barbossa.
I'm down stairs in a room and I'm practicing my sword stroke. I have no partner so I'm fighting with the air as usual! I heard a noise, turn back my sword right above Turner's neck.

Will's pov:
I'm getting bored so I decided to go down stairs for a little visit. From far away I'm hearing some sword noises and little scream: Y/N.
I enter the room and look at her, really fun to watch her fighting nothing! The planks cracks under my feet, she got scared and suddenly I had her sword right above my neck.
"Are you crazy?! I could've hurt you!
- You will never hurt me.
- Don't be so sure idiot !" While smiling, I love her smile.
"Now that you're here, you will help me practicing.
- Is that an order Miss?
- Oh shut up! Here!" She throws me a sword.

Y/N's pov:
I throw him a sword and we start practicing.
"Do you remember? Just like how we met!
- I still don't understand why you attacked me like that? He asked me laughing.
- I don't know I guess I didn't trust you or something, I don't give my trust easily.
- And now do you trust me? I desarm him.
- Secret."
Before I had the time to notice, he grab my arm and push me trough the wall. Wow. He is really close right now. Our lips are just about to touch, I look into his beautiful deep brown eyes...
"Uhm uhm" I hear a familiar cough. It was Jack. We separate ourselves, embarrassed. "So? You were here this whole time, we were looking for you. Maybe I should leave...
- No no ! It's okay! Why were you looking for us exactly?
- We are just about to take a break on a little isle we found.
- Oh! Awesome! We are coming.
I look at him one last time, he did it too.
The three of us are going back to the principal bridge and we settled down to the place they have found.

Pirate's life for me -volume 1Where stories live. Discover now