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Crystal, Zoe, Duke, Zack and Eugene is seen inside the classroom, descussing over Connor's disappearance.

"Any luck?" Asked Zoe. "Sadly, no...me and Zack looked all over and found nothing, nothing on Connor or Jim." Said Eugene. "Damn it...where are you Connor?" Zack mutters. "I'm here." A voice spoke.

They froze, hearing the familiar voice before turning to see Connor approaching them. The moment they saw him, Zoe and Crystal run to Connor, crying.

"Connor!" Yelled Zoe and Crystal. The two hug him, crying into his chest or shoulder. Connor smiles as he hugs back. "Connor...where were you?" Asked Duke.

Connor stares at his friends before speaking. "I was a lab rat." Said Connor. They all look in shock at Connor, Zoe and Crystal letting go of Connor as they look up. "You...what?" Asked Zoe. "I'll explain when we get to the roof, that way we're alone...Zack, Eugene, I kept this from you two for too long...I should tell you my secret." Said Connor.

Connor, the girls, Duke, Zack and Eugene is seen on the roof, Connor having just explained Connor's ability to and also what he means by "lab rat". "You...you have been immortal this whole time?" Asked Eugene. "But why haven't you told us?" Asked Zack.

"Your telling me, you would believe me if I said I was immortal?" Asked Connor. They were silent for a moment before speaking. "It's just...wow." Said Zack. "Yep...but thanks to the asshole experimenting on me, its easier to look normal." Said Connor.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked Crystal. "You see, the experiments caused me to not heal automatically anymore, but at will, meaning if I don't want to heal fast, I'd heal within a few weeks or months since it takes that long for humans or animals that regenerate to heal, but if I want to heal fast, I'll heal as fast as I got the wound." Said Connor.

"So...you heal like you do, but rather or not if its instant is up to you?" Asked Zoe. "Yep, meaning I can heal a natural speed as others to not cause suspicion and as long as I'm careful to not be seen with wounds that no one else can heal from, I'll be seen as normal spite being wounded, unlike before if I'm wounded, I'm healed not too long afterwards and cause suspicion." Said Connor. Everyone stays silent, not knowing what to say. Just then, Connor got a message. Connor opens it to see it was from Jim, saying to meet him tonight at the place they met.

"Who is that?" Asked Zoe. "Jim..." Connor mutters. They all went silent, hearing his name. "What does he want?" Asked Duke. "He wants me to meet him where we met." Said Connor. There was a moment before Zoe spoke. "I'm coming with, if its a trap, I'm not letting you go alone." Said Zoe.

"No, no you are not...It's too dangerous...besides, they were only able to kidnap me is cause I wasn't able to heal over drugs and such, but now that I can, I can prevent big bro or anyone from knocking me unconscious...and I promise to be extra careful." Said Connor.

They all were silent, before the girls spoke. "You better not be lying or else." Said Crystal. "I ain't...usually when I do stupid things, I'm not stupid enough to do it two times in a row...tell you what, after this, we'll do whatever you girls want for making you wait...and I can also do something for you guys for worrying you too." Said Connor.

"Sounds fair." Said Zack. "Yes, when we think of something, we'll take up on your offer." Said Eugene. Just, then, the bell goes off, saying its time for class. They all then left the roof, walking to class. When inside, Connor was scolded again for not showing up for a month, and by the time class ends, Connor and the others went home, Connor spending a little time with the girls before heading out to meet up with Jim.

Connor is seen walking his way towards the convenience store, the place he met Jim.

When he arrived, Connor saw Jim sitting at a table outside, smoking. Jim looked down, before turning to Connor.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now