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Connor and Lilly look at each other as Lilly waits for Connor's answer to her question.

"To be honest...I don't know...I know I definitely was human...but after I was experimented on, I was given healing cells that belongs to animals that practically regenerate certain wounds and when put together makes me able to come back to life when healed even if I'm just a single cell." Said Conor. "B-But what about your body? I mean you look EXACTLY like you did when we first met 23 years ago." Said Lilly.

"You see, I was injected with a serum that basically makes the cells that make your body grow, be slower and the more your injected, the slower it becomes to the point that you are permanently stuck with the body and looks that you had when injected...meaning my body won't grow old and weak, meaning I won't die of age and the healing revives me when I'm healed, meaning I don't stay dead." Said Connor. Lilly looks horrified at that, before speaking.

"Connor...just how old are you?" Asked Lilly. Connor looks at her before speaking. "I...I don't know, all I do know is that it was at least one to two hundred by now." Said Connor. "So...your older then me?" Asked Lilly. "Mentally? Yes." Said Connor. Lilly looks down. "Connor, I...I need time to think about this." Said Lilly. "Of course...so I take it you don't want to see me again? If not, I understand." Said Connor.

"No, no, I...its not that...I do, want to see you, but...I need time to think." Said Lilly. "Of course...I'll stop by tomorrow and if you need me to leave, I'll go, ok?" Asked Connor. Lilly silently nods. Connor then walked his way out of the back room and out the store to let Lilly think over what she just witnessed.

Connor is seen walking his way into the store the next day, wanting to talk to Lilly. Seeing Lilly by the counter, Connor approached her. "Hey." Said Connor. Lilly turns to Connor. "Oh...hey." Said Lilly. "Is it a bad time or..." Connor mutters.

"No, no, its ok." Said Lilly. Connor then approaches her, stopping in front of her. "So, tell me...how have you been?" Asked Connor. "Huh? Oh, um....I've been good, I finished high school and got a job here...this store use to belong to my grandmother...she sadly she passed." Said Lilly. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Said Connor. "It's fine...anyway, I accepted the store cause of two reasons...one, cause I loved this place, having everything like candy, food, toys and other things kids my age wanted...two...cause if no one took care of it, someone would take the store and most likely destroy it to make a new store." Said Lilly.

Connor smiles. "You did the right thing Lilly, I'm sure your grandmother would be proud." Said Connor. Lilly looks at Connor and smiles. "Yeah..." Said Lilly. They share a smile before something came to Connor's mind. "Lilly, I need to ask a serious question." Said Connor. "Huh? What is it?" Asked Lilly. "Did you tell anyone about what I told you?" Asked Connor. Lilly shook her head.

"No. no one would even believe me without proof." Said Lilly. "Good...I can't risk people knowing...if they do, those people, you included will be in danger...your already in danger for knowing, let along being around me." Said Connor. Lilly looks at Connor. "What do you mean?" Asked Lilly.

"I otta tell you since you know much already...there is someone named "Big bro" a person who took my immortality and made himself immortal, trying to kill me or the people around me...due to this, I can't leave the house without a mask on...no one is here now and there is no cameras so I don't need it now, but I can't risk not wearing one when I leave the house and near cameras since I'm sure he can hack through them to find me if no one sees me themselves." Said Connor. Lilly looked at Connor before speaking. "Right..." Lilly mutters.

Connor sighs before looking at her and spoke. "I promise I'll make sure your okay since I won't be in town long...there are certain things I'm looking for, but when done, I'll leave." Said Connor. Lilly looks at Connor, a look of sadness. "Your...your going to leave?" Asked Lilly. "Yeah." Said Connor.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now